Comic books have been captivating audiences for decades with their larger-than-life characters, epic battles, and thrilling adventures. Superheroes are the cornerstone of this genre, inspiring readers with their bravery, determination, and unwavering spirit. However, even these larger-than-life characters are not immune to death, and the ways in which they meet their end can be just as strange and unexpected as their powers and abilities. In this article, we will explore 10 of the weirdest deaths of superheroes in comic book history.
10 Weird Death of Superheroes in Comics
Hulk Decapitated

It’s quite surprising to think that the Hulk, who was once considered a hero with immense strength and capable of performing incredible feats, was defeated by a simple throw of Captain America’s shield. This event is not only an insult to the Hulk’s strength but also the fact that the shield wasn’t even thrown by Captain America, but by one of Ultron’s minions, adds to the absurdity of the situation. The Hulk’s expression at the time of his death is also worth mentioning, as it appears more like disbelief at a lack of food in the refrigerator, rather than a tragic expression.
Pantha Exploded by Superboy

In one of the most confusing and inappropriate deaths in comic book history, Infinite Crisis showcases the accidental killing of a character by Superboy-Prime. Pantha, who previously referred to Superboy as a “stupid kid,” was proven right when Superboy threw a punch without considering his immense strength, resulting in the explosion of Pantha’s head. The impact was so powerful that it caused Ambush Big to be knocked unconscious, making Superboy’s claim that it was an accident seem questionable. This moment highlights how far Superboy is willing to go, as he immediately kills another superhero after claiming it was all a mistake.
Superman’s Assassin Club

Out of all the unadapted Superman comics, the one that deserves a movie adaptation the most is Superman #188. In this issue, Superman discovers a group of assassins who have dedicated themselves to killing him, although their motivations are unclear. The most absurd moment of the comic comes when their initial attempt to kill Superman fails, as they end up targeting an actor playing Superman instead. However, one of the assassins succeeds in killing Superman by spreading Kryptonite through radio waves. The comic embodies the classic quirkiness of the original series and is so cheesy that when a robot replica of Superman develops feelings for the real, but deceased, Superman and tries to revive him, it comes as no surprise. A love story between Superman and Robo-Superman could be worth considering, even if it means briefly forgetting about Lois Lane.
Deadpool killed by Elephant

One of the entertaining aspects of Deadpool’s immortality is that writers enjoy coming up with absurd ways for the Merc with a Mouth to die. From explosions, hosting a human parasite, and facing other superheroes, there are countless possibilities. However, the most absurd and hilarious death has to be when Deadpool was impaled by an elephant, yet still managed to make jokes while his internal organs became external. This moment perfectly captures Deadpool’s character – he is aware that he is dying, but remains unfazed and relaxed about his mortality. If everyone had Wade Wilson’s attitude towards death, the world would either be a better place or littered with more bodies.
Batman Has A Heart Attack

Of all the dramatic, emotional, and impressive ways Batman has died in the past, having a heart attack during a fight is arguably the weakest and least memorable. This is not to say that a heart attack is an unrealistic way for a human to die, but considering the extreme physical and mental conditioning Bruce has undergone to become almost superhuman, it is surprising that he was unable to prevent a potential heart issue. Nevertheless, being the amazing Batman, he is brought back to life through his repressed alter-ego. However, this sudden death and revival feels strange and out of place, especially because the alter-ego was meant to be a last resort and Batman had no plan for this type of situation.
Grasshopper’s Bad Luck

The Great Lake Avengers are not exactly known for their toughness or strength among superhero teams. In fact, they may be the most vulnerable and easily killed superhero team in the universe, as evidenced by Grasshopper’s death 5.8 seconds after joining the team. He joined the team during a fight, turned around, and was immediately stabbed in the head by the opposing team, showcasing the sudden crushing of hope. While it was meant to be a joke, it’s also a shame because Grasshopper was one of the more intriguing members of the GLA, although this may be because we learn nothing about him before his death.
Juggernaut Vs. A Poison Dart

Considering Juggernaut is a formidable force who has defeated heroes like Thor and The Hulk, it seems incongruous that his death in the Ultimate X-Men series comes from a simple poison dart. The wound is so small and insignificant that it makes his death appear strange and out of place. Moreover, he dies almost instantly, making one of the strongest non-magical villains appear weak and powerless for no reason. Although the Ultimate X-Men series is known for odd, unnecessary, and unintentionally funny deaths, Juggernaut’s demise from a poison dart is the weakest of them all.
Nightwing In Injustice

In Injustice, Nightwing’s death in the first volume is unique in its tragedy and ordinariness. During a fight with Robin, Nightwing is hit in the temple with an escrima stick, stumbles, and falls on a rock, breaking his neck. Fans have criticized the death for being caused by such a minor event, especially in a series where characters are vaporized or torn apart. However, death’s everyday nature serves the plot well as it highlights the possibility of mistake and makes Batman’s subsequent conflict and anger more understandable.
Ch’p Vs. Traffic

It is not appropriate to laugh at the death of a hero, but it is hard to resist chuckling at the idea of a powerful Green Lantern, who battles against Sinestro and other mighty cosmic forces, being defeated by a truck carrying ice cream or groceries. The second issue of Green Lantern: Mosaic, where this incident occurs, is full of such bizarre moments, focusing on how the superhero squirrel Ch’p fits in with other animal characters. Although the death of Ch’p, caused by a drunk driver, is both tragic and foolish, it is unclear why the writers chose to make it so. Perhaps it was just a challenge to see if they could.
The Spider-Birth

One of the most disturbing moments in the Spider-Man franchise is when Peter Parker dies after being bitten by the villain The Queen and unknowingly injected with a toxic substance. He then dies by giving birth to a spider-like creature. This slow and grotesque transformation is one of the strangest and least plausible deaths of Peter Parker, and it’s made even more ridiculous when you consider all the other ways he’s died across alternate universes. The only apparent reason for this bizarre death-reincarnation cycle is to shock readers with the sight of someone gradually turning into a spider. While it succeeds in being creepy, it’s also a highly unrealistic way for Peter to die.
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