
10 Most Weird Version of Spider-Man From The Comic World

10 most Weird Version of Spider-Man From The Comic World

Spider-Man is arguably the most beloved and popular character from the Marvel Comics. On top of this, Spider-Man has various versions of him spread out over the entire multiverse. Some of these versions are quite tame, but some on the other hand are truly out-of-the-box. Here are the 10 most Weird Version of Spider-Man From The Comic World:


10 Most Weird Version of Spider-Man From The Comic World - Webslinger
10 Most Weird Version of Spider-Man From The Comic World – Webslinger

Surprisingly, this weird version of Spider-Man is from the same universe as Peter Parker in the Marvel Comics, Earth-616. The ‘Webslinger’ made his very first appearance in 2000, as a part of the comic, ‘Avataars: Covenant of the Shield #2’. The creators responsible for this version of Spider-Man are Len Kaminski and  Óscar Jiménez.

The legend around ‘Webslinger’ goes like this, when he was a young boy he was intrigued by spiders. In search of some know more about them, this boy ventured into the mysterious forest of Webwood, where bandits and witches lived. His search was not in vain, for the boy found a sorceress, Widow of the Web’ who agreed to give him the powers of the spiders, only if he swore never to use them for his own good. The boy happily agreed and left the dangerous Webwood with his newly gained powers. 

However, soon after he returned, his uncle was attacked by a bandit, and the boy decided to use his powers to save him. Once his uncle was safe, the realization that he used his powers for personal reasons set in. When the Widow of the Web found out what he had done, she cursed him and turned him into a hybrid spider-human creature. 

Cosmic Spider-Man

Cosmic Spider-Man
10 Most Weird Version of Spider-Man From The Comic World – Cosmic Spider-Man

‘Cosmic Spider-Man’ belongs to the universe of Earth-13, where he is also known as the ‘Captain Universe’. Unlike the various Spider-Men from various different alternate universes, this Peter Parker received his powers from something known as the Enigma Force. While most of his powers align with the rest of the Spider-Men, the Cosmic Spider-Man has the ability to regenerate and heal to a certain extent. Due to the Enigma Force, he possesses a cosmic consciousness and can manipulate even matter and energy. 

This character was created by Don Slott and Olivier Coipel in 2014. His first appearance was in the comic ‘Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 3) #9’.


10 Most Weird Version of Spider-Man From The Comic World - Spider-Ham
10 Most Weird Version of Spider-Man From The Comic World – Spider-Ham

Spider-Ham is very unique in the sense that he is a pig, hailing from Earth-8311. Originally, Peter was just a spider, living in the lab of May Porker, a pig scientist. When May Porker accidentally caused herself to suffer irradiation and bit the spider, infecting him and creating a pig with spider-like powers. When he became Spider-Ham (to indicate his status as a swine), he also had his name changed to Peter Porker.

‘Spider-Ham’ was created by Tom DeFalco and Mark Armstrong. His first appearance was in ‘Marvel Tails Starring Peter Porker the Spectacular Spider-Ham #1’ back in 1983. 


10 Most Weird Version of Spider-Man From The Comic World – Spider-Monkey

The simian form of Spider-Man comes from an alternate universe in the Marvel Comics, specifically from Earth-8101. Though, still Peter Parker when he is not fighting criminals on the streets of New York, his alias is alarmingly different from the one Peter Parker of Earth-616 adopts. The ‘Spider-Monkey’ first made his appearance in the comic book ‘Amazing Spider-Man Family #1’ in 2008 and was created by Karl Kesel and Ramon Bachs. 

‘Spider-Monkey’ originally belongs to the Marvel Apes universe in the comics, where every major Marvel hero has an ape counterpart (They even have their own version of the Avengers known as the ‘Ape-vengers’). Spider-Monkey differs from Earth-616’s Spider-Man to a considerable extent, where he has a more egotistical personality and has no qualms about killing villains who do not show any signs of reform. This Spider-Man often faced off against the villain Otto Octavian. 

Scarlet Spider

10 Most Weird Version of Spider-Man From The Comic World - Scarlet Spider
10 Most Weird Version of Spider-Man From The Comic World – Scarlet Spider

Benjamin Riley, from Earth-616, is a little complicated, to say the least. He was created from Peter Parker’s DNA to be a clone of him and possessed practically all the same powers as him. Originally, he was created in order to fight Peter, and though both of them managed to work through their difference and became friends, trust, however, was a little harder to come. As Riley is a clone of Peter’s, his powers are the same, though he carries the mantle of the ‘Scarlet Spider’.

The ‘Scarlet Spider’ was created by Gerry Conway and Ross Andru, and appeared for the very first time back in the 1875 issue of ‘Amazing Spider-Man #149’.


10 Most Weird Version of Spider-Man From The Comic World – Spider-Cat 

On Earth-999, the mantle of Spider-Man rests on a house cat. This cat, at some point in his nine lives, gained the powers of Spider-Man and regularly had to fight off against the villain Venom, a pigeon. 

The character was developed in 2011 by Skottie Young and appeared in ‘Spider-Island: I Love New York City #1’ for the first time.

Ghost Spider

10 Most Weird Version of Spider-Man From The Comic World - Ghost Spider
10 Most Weird Version of Spider-Man From The Comic World – Ghost Spider

Something that truly sets the Peter Parker from Earth-11638 from the rest of the Peter Parkers of the other universes is the fact, that in this Universe, Peter’s Uncle Ben did not die. In fact, it was Uncle Ben, himself, who motivated and trained this Peter into becoming the Amazing Spider-Man after he gains his powers. 

Though something unexpected happened in this Universe, with Uncle Ben’s training and Peter’s own years as the greatest superhero, only made Peter’s Spider-Man more ambitious, He began craving more power, and in order to satiate it, he found a way to bring the Spider-Men from other universes into his and absorbing their powers for himself. In the end, however, when Earth-616’s Peter Parker arrived, the Peter from this universe realised he must repent and let himself become stuck inside Hell, from where he was later released with the souls of the repentant, which is how he became the ‘Ghost Spider’.  

This version of Spider-Man made its first appearance as the ‘Ghost Spider’ in 2001 as a part of the ‘Incredible Hulks Annual #1’. The creators were John Layman, Les Garbett as well as 


10 Most Weird Version of Spider-Man From The Comic World – Arachknight

The Arachknight is a resident of the Warp World, which was created when Gamora, who had gained the power of the Infinity Stones, sealed every soul in the universe within the Soul Stone, and later also folded this universe in half. This folding of the universe created the Warp World, where every soul merged into another, and this resulted in the change of everything, right from the past, and present to even the future.

This universe’s Spider-Man’s soul merged with the soul of this universe’s Moon Knight, which ultimately brought the ‘Arachknight’ into existence. In this universe, when Peter visits the American Museum of Natural History, with his Uncle Ben and Aunt May, the family becomes the target of an attack by the Goblin-by-Night. While, Aunt May and Uncle Ben, unfortunately, die, Peter becomes mortally wounded and is practically on the verge of death. 

As he is dying, however, Peter gets bitten by a mystical spider, which is somehow connected to the powers of ancient spiders and grants him powers. However, this power comes with serious consequences, as Peter’s mind becomes fragmented into four different personalities. 

The ‘Arachknight’ was created by artists Gerry Duggan and Humberto Ramos and was first seen in the comic ‘Infinity Wars #3’ in 2018. 

Spider-Man Noir

10 Most Weird Version of Spider-Man From The Comic World - Spider-Man Noir
10 Most Weird Version of Spider-Man From The Comic World – Spider-Man Noir

This version of Spider-Man is clouded in an air of mystery and belongs to the universe of Earth-90214. Peter Parker grew up during the time of the Great Depression with his Uncle Ben and Aunt May. Ever since childhood, the belief that good will always win over the bad was instilled in Peter and it is quite evident when he sets off on his journey as Spider-Man Noir. 

When Peter finds his uncle – dead and mutilated – he becomes determined to find justice for his uncle’s death. During his endeavours, he comes across an antique Spider Idol, out of which spiders spill out and one bites him, granting him arachnid abilities. Peter’s noir-themed costume as Spider-Man is inspired by his uncle’s uniform from World War I. The story has many espionage-thriller elements. 

‘Spider-Man Noir’ was created by David Hine and Marko Djurdjevic and first appeared in the comic ‘Spider-Man Noir #1 in 2008.


10 Most Weird Version of Spider-Man From The Comic World – Spider-Punk

Originating from Earth-138, this version of Spider-Man is the alias of a teenager named Hobert “Hobie” Brown. Brown gained arachnid powers from being bitten by a toxic spider and took on the mantle of Spider-Man. Brown, however, put a spin on his superhero identity and renamed himself as the ‘Spider-Punk’ as he used his newfound powers to speak out against the injustice that was faced by the lower classes. Spider-Punk’s powers are a unique mix of the powers that are possessed by the Earth-616 Peter Parker and Hobie Brown, who was Hornet in the original Marvel universe. 

This character was created by Dan Slott and Olivier Coipel in 2014 and first appeared in the ‘Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 3) #10’ however, the actual character of Hobie Brown of Earth-616 first appeared in ‘Amazing Spider-Man #78’ and was created by John Buscema, John Romita Jr. and Stan Lee, himself.

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