10 Famous Authors Born In The Month Of July

10 Famous Authors Born In The Month Of July
10 Famous Authors Born In The Month Of July

10 Famous Authors Born In The Month Of July: In the month of July many famous authors born and passed away. Today we have made a list of 10 authors whose birthday fall in the month of July, along with that we have listed some famous books by them. As a reader if you want to know what reading their books feel like grab them today.

John Wyndham (July 10)

10 Famous Authors Born In The Month Of July - John Wyndham (July 10)
10 Famous Authors Born In The Month Of July – John Wyndham (July 10)

Wyndham was an English writer of science fiction whose works continue to be among the most influential ever. His service in the Second World War influenced his outlook on life and led him to question humanity and believe that war was inevitable. His writings, which typically have ambiguous or post-apocalyptic ends and reflect these emotions, have had a significant influence on modern authors, such as Margaret Atwood, the author of The Handmaid’s Tale. Check out his first big success, The Day of the Triffids, which is about a terrifying species of carnivorous plant that begins eradicating humans and taking over Earth, as well as The Chrysalids, a coming-of-age story about telepathic kids living in a world where any kind of mutation can result in death.

Wyndham Parkes, was the son of a lawyer, Lucas Beynon Harris. He tried a multitude of occupations before beginning to write short tales in 1925, including farming, law, commercial art, and advertising. John Wyndham returned to literature after serving in the military and government service during the war. He began writing science fiction under the pen name John Wyndham and referred to it as “rational fantasy.” He also wrote The Kraken Wakes, The Chrysalids, The Midwich Cuckoos (which was adapted into Village of the Damned), and The Seeds of Time in addition to The Day of the Triffids.

E. B. White (July 11)

E. B. White (July 11)
10 Famous Authors Born In The Month Of July – E. B. White (July 11)

Elwyn Brooks White, a regular contributor to The New Yorker and co-author of the English language style manual The Elements of Style, was born in 1899. But Charlotte’s Web, one of the most well-known pieces of children’s literature, is what made him most well-known. A wise spider finds a way to prevent a pig from being slaughtered in this tale, but it’s also a significant tale in terms of theme and writing style. Many of White’s articles, other children’s novels, notably his first, Stuart Little, a fantasy about a human kid with mouse-like features, and other writings for children all demonstrate his love of animals, nature, and the great outdoors. E.B. White contributed for almost six decades after publishing his first article in 1925. He later joined the staff in 1927.

He gradually rose to the position of the magazine’s most significant contributor, best known for his essays and unsigned “Notes and Comment” pieces. From the start of his tenure at The New Yorker to the conclusion, he frequently contributed what the publication refers to as “News breaks,” which are snappy, amusing remarks on weirdly phrased printed material from a variety of sources, under different headings like “Block That Metaphor.” From 1938 until 1943, he also wrote columns for Harper’s Magazine. For a niece named Janice Hart White, White switched his attention to writing children’s books in the late 1930s.

Stuart Little, his first children’s novel, was released in 1945, and Charlotte’s Web followed two years later. The literary world first greeted Stuart Little with ambivalence. However, both works went on to gain praise, and Charlotte’s Web was awarded a Newbery Honor by the American Library Association despite losing out on the Newbery Medal to Ann Nolan Clark’s Secret of the Andes.

Brian Selznick (July 14)

10 Famous Authors Born In The Month Of July - Brian Selznick (July 14)
10 Famous Authors Born In The Month Of July – Brian Selznick (July 14)

The American credits Maurice Sendak, the author of Where the Wild Things Are, as a big influence. Sendak began his career as an illustrator for a children’s book publisher. He released The Invention of Hugo Cabret in 2007, a hybrid of a graphic novel, picture book, and novel that went on to win the coveted Caldecott Medal, given every year to the most outstanding children’s picture book produced in the United States. It relates the story of a young orphan living in Paris who attempts to repair a damaged automaton. Martin Scorcese turned the book into a movie called Hugo in 2011.

Wonderstruck, his second book, was adapted into a movie starring Julianne Moore. Once more, it combines words and pictures and centres on two deaf protagonists and their endearing relationship. He resigned to pursue a full-time career as an illustrator of children’s books; in addition, he has created theatre sets and is a skilled puppeteer. His interest with the renowned magician and his secrets served as the inspiration for his debut book, The Houdini Box.

In addition to the Sibert Honor books WHEN MARIAN SANG by Pam Munoz Ryan and WALT WHITMAN: WORDS FOR AMERICA by Barbara Kerley, he has drawn both novels and children’s picture books for numerous authors. He received a Caldecott Honor Award for his illustrations for Barbara Kerley’s THE DINOSAURS OF WATERHOUSE HAWKINS in 2002, and the Caldecott Medal for his ground-breaking and breath-taking THE INVENTION OF HUGO CABRET in 2008.

Elizabeth Gilbert (July 18)

Elizabeth Gilbert (July 18)
10 Famous Authors Born In The Month Of July – Elizabeth Gilbert (July 18)

It’s similar to how the memoir Eat, Pray, Love by an American author is both a benefit and a curse: a blessing because it was a big success that spent years on best-seller lists all over the world and served as the inspiration for a hugely successful Julia Roberts film. The pioneering botanist who is the subject of The Signature of All Things pursues plant knowledge in the 19th century in a risky manner that is frowned upon. A coming-of-age story set in 1940s New York City is City of Girls. It’s true that the main characters embark on a journey of self-discovery, just like Gilbert did in her autobiographical novel Eat, Pray, Love. However, the stories are so unique and dissimilar from one another that comparing them would practically be sacrilegious.

Elizabeth is best known for her 2006 novel EAT PRAY LOVE, which details her solo journey around the globe in search of comfort following a challenging divorce. Over thirty different languages had the book’s translations available, and more than 12 million copies had been sold globally. In 2010, Julia Roberts starred in the movie adaptation of EAT, PRAY, LOVE. Because of how well-read the book was, Time Magazine included Elizabeth as one of the top 100 global influencers. Her most recent book, CITY OF GIRLS, is a wild and seductive account of the 1940s theatre scene in New York City. It will be released in June of next year.

Alexandre Dumas (July 24)

10 Famous Authors Born In The Month Of July - Alexandre Dumas (July 24)
10 Famous Authors Born In The Month Of July – Alexandre Dumas (July 24)

One of the most widely known French authors is Dumas, or Dumas Davy de la Pailleterie to give him his full name. He was born in 1802. His father was a mixed-race individual who was descended from an Afro-Caribbean slave from Haiti and a white French lord. Consider reading The Three Musketeers, a swashbuckling story of valiant swordsmen who fight injustice and corruption, or The Count of Monte Cristo, which tells the story of a young sailor who is wrongfully accused of treason and imprisoned and spends the next several years plotting his escape—and his revenge.

Les Trois Mousquetaires (1844; 1845; The Three Musketeers), a romance about four dashing heroes in the time of Cardinal Richelieu, Vingt ans après (1845; “Twenty Years After”); Le Comte de Monte Cristo 1844-45; The Count of Monte Cristo. Dumas indulged his lavish habits when he first found popularity, which led him to write more quickly as a result in order to pay his creditors. Dumas fils, which translates to “son” in French, was the son of The Three Musketeers author and well-known playwright Alexandre Dumas père. Alexandre Dumas received the Légion d’honneur in 1894 after being admitted to the Académie française (French Academy) in 1874.

Hilaire Belloc (July 27)

Hilaire Belloc (July 27)
10 Famous Authors Born In The Month Of July – Hilaire Belloc (July 27)

More than 150 novels by the prolific French-English novelist covered a wide range of topics, including politics, economics, conflict, and religion. Nursery rhyme-style poems in A Bad Child’s Book of Beasts and Cautionary Tales for Children appear to teach kids how to behave, but they are actually satirical attacks on Victorian social norms and expectations. A Bad Child’s Book of Beasts and Sonnets are two collections of verse that Belloc released in 1896. He transitioned between the political and media sectors during the following few years, serving as editor of the Morning Post and as a member of the House of Commons.

Later, he was appointed editor of The Eye-Witness, a political weekly that criticised corruption and the political establishment and had articles by G.K. Chesterton, George Bernard Shaw, and H.G. Wells in addition to Belloc’s friend. Author of Mr. Clutterbuck’s Election (1908), A Change in the Cabinet (1909), Pongo and the Bull (1910), The French Revolution (1911), and History of England, Belloc was also a popular novelist and historian (1915). Belloc published nearly 150 books, covering a wide range of topics including poetry, war, and several contemporary issues. Along with H. G. Wells, George Bernard Shaw, and G. K. Chesterton, he has been referred to as one of the Big Four of Edwardian Letters. These authors engaged in debates with one another well into the 1930s.

Ernest [Miller] Hemingway, American novelist and short-story writer (21 July – 1899)

10 Famous Authors Born In The Month Of July - Ernest [Miller] Hemingway, American novelist and short-story writer (21 July - 1899)
10 Famous Authors Born In The Month Of July – Ernest [Miller] Hemingway, American novelist and short-story writer (21 July – 1899)

The Torrents of Spring (1924), The Sun Also Rises (1926), and two non-fiction books, Death in the Afternoon (1932) and The Green Hills of Africa, were Hemingway’s first novels (1935). Hemingway once more served as a news reporter during the Spanish Civil War, and it was from this experience that he derived the ideas for the plays The Fifth Column (1938) and For Whom the Bell Tolls (1939). (1940). The Old Man and the Sea (1953), which won the 1953 Pulitzer Prize, and Across the River and Into the Trees (1950), which received the 1954 Nobel Prize for Literature, were written by him between 1939 and 1960.

He later resided in Key West, Florida, before relocating to Cuba. After his passing, the book Islands in the Stream (1970) was released. He released The Sun Also Rises, a book that gave him his first significant degree of success, in 1926. The Lost Generation, a term Hemingway ridiculed while popularizing it, is a bunch of idle expats living in France and Spain in this bleak but brilliant book. In 1926, Hemingway published The Torrents of Spring, a spoof of Sherwood Anderson’s novel Dark Laughter by an American author.

Nelson Mandela (July 18 – 1918)

Nelson Mandela (July 18 - 1918)
10 Famous Authors Born In The Month Of July – Nelson Mandela (July 18 – 1918)

On July 18, 1918, Nelson Mandela was born in Transkei, South Africa. Hendry Mphakanyiswa, a member of the Tembu Tribe, was his father. University College of Fort Hare and the University of Witwatersrand are where Mandela received his education, where he also studied law. In 1944, he joined the African National Congress, and from 1948 on, he actively opposed the apartheid policies of the National Party, which was in power.

I Am Prepared to Die (1964; revised edition 1986), No Easy Walk to Freedom (1965; updated edition 2002), The Struggle Is My Life (1978; revised edition 1990), and In His Own Words contain all of Mandela’s writings and speeches (2003). His early years and years in prison are detailed in the memoirs Long Walk to Freedom, which was released in 1994. Mandla Langa finished the unfinished text of his second memoir book, which was published posthumously as Dare Not Linger: The Presidential Years (2017).

Henry David Thoreau (12 July – 1817)

10 Famous Authors Born In The Month Of July - Henry David Thoreau (12 July - 1817)
10 Famous Authors Born In The Month Of July – Henry David Thoreau (12 July – 1817)

Henry David Thoreau (1817–1862), a native of Massachusetts and a key figure in the American Transcendentalist movement, had his faith in nature put to the test as he spent 1845–1847 living in a makeshift hut near Walden Pond. There, Thoreau worked on Walden and A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers, the two writings that were eventually published during his lifetime. Posthumously, The Maine Woods, Cape Cod, Excursions, and other works were released.

More than 20 volumes contain all of Thoreau’s publications, articles, essays, journals, and poetry. His publications on philosophy and natural history, in which he foresaw the approaches and outcomes of ecology and environmental history—two main sources of contemporary environmentalism—are among his lasting achievements. His writing demonstrates a lyrical sensibility, a philosophical austerity, and an attention to pragmatic detail while weaving together intimate observation of nature, personal experience, incisive rhetoric, symbolic meanings, and historical wisdom.

The following year, Thoreau started publishing articles and poetry in Emerson and Margaret Fuller’s brand-new journal, The Dial, which eventually became the home of a lot of transcendentalist work. This marked the beginning of Thoreau’s writing career. Thoreau improves his naturalistic writing in “A Winter Walk” and “A Walk to Wachusett,” two articles that were published in 1843, setting the stage for Wald Thoreau has already started to inject a philosophical tone into his early articles, which can be regarded as somewhat romantic literary descriptions.

J.K. Rowling (31 July – 1965)

J.K. Rowling (31 July - 1965)
10 Famous Authors Born In The Month Of July – J.K. Rowling (31 July – 1965)

Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, sometimes known as Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, was the first novel in the Harry Potter series and was written by J.K. Rowling. The book became popular right away, appealing to both adults and children, who were its intended readership. It followed the exploits of the unusual hero Harry Potter, a lonely orphan who learns that he is truly a wizard and enrols at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

It had vivid descriptions and an imaginative plot. Numerous honours were bestowed upon the work, including the British Book Award. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (1998), Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (1999), Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2000), Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2003), and Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (2005) were the succeeding books, which were also best sellers and were published in more than 200 countries and about 60 different languages.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, the series’ seventh and last book, was published in 2007. In 2016, the script’s book adaptation—which was billed as the eighth tale in the Harry Potter series—was released. The show moved to Broadway two years later, and in 2018, it took home six Tony Awards, including best new play.

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