You’ll Be The Death of Me by Karen M. McManus is an engaging thriller with well-rounded and interesting characters. The story is told according to the viewpoints of three friends, Ivy, Cal, and Mateo. Karen McManus is a writer who creates a mystery that you can’t quit reading until the end, with a lot of exciting twists. This one makes no difference in keeping you hooked as a reader until that last turn!

Cal, Matteo and Ivy used to be buddies in eighth grade. Presently they are seniors in secondary school and they have each headed out in a different direction.

You'll Be The Death of Me By Karen M. McManus Is An Engaging Thriller
You’ll Be The Death of Me By Karen M. McManus Is An Engaging Thriller

Ivy is a character who is battling to live up to her genius younger brother. She has recently lost the senior class president election to the class joker Boney Maroney. She knows going to her opponent’s acceptance speech will be absolutely embarrassing.

Cal has recently gone through breakup and has realized how lonely he is. His friend network hangs out only when they can’t find any other individual to spend time with. His last girlfriend has blamed him for being “not genuine.” The fact is that he has started liking a truly unsuitable person and trying to keep it hidden.

Matteo’s life took very different turn after eighth grade. His mom has osteoarthritis and require a costly medication which is beyond the family can afford since a lawsuit made their bowling alley fail. He’s maintaining two jobs and his cousin Autumn is working three in an attempt to keep the family above water.

All three meet one morning when they are behind schedule for school and choose, each for their own reasons, to skip school and try to relive the cheerful memories of the day they dumped, a field trip in eighth grade and had a happy time in Boston.

Things turn out badly very quickly when they follow their new class president Boney in Boston and track down his dead body with a syringe next to it. The location turns out to be an art studio where Cal had earlier gone to meet his new girlfriend.

You’ll Be The Death of Me by Karen M. McManus is fast paced, and keeps you on your toes. Just as you might suspect you know something “without a doubt” there is a turn and everything is uncertain once more. Despite the fact that there are many turns, every one of them is plausible. All in all, this is a completely enjoyable novel, and I would recommend this to readers who like reading young adult fiction, secret, thrill ride.

Also Read: Everything We Didn’t Say By Nicole Baart 

Book Review Podcast (You’ll Be The Death of Me By Karen M. McManus Is An Engaging Thriller)

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