In the vast and diverse world of manga, “Golgo 13” holds the remarkable distinction of having the most volumes, with an ongoing saga that has extended to 211 volumes since its inception in October 1968. This iconic series, created by Takao Saito and continued by Saito Production, unfolds in the pages of Big Comic with a semimonthly frequency, captivating readers with its thrilling espionage narratives.
The Top 5 Manga Giants by Volume
1. Golgo 13
- Volumes/Chapters: 211/574
- Author: Takao Saito (1968–2021), Saito Production (2021–)
- Magazine: Big Comic (semimonthly), Publisher: Shogakukan
- Period: October 1968 – Ongoing
“Golgo 13” is not just a manga; it’s a cultural phenomenon that has been gripping readers for decades. Following the enigmatic assassin Duke Togo, this series delves into the depths of the human psyche, international intrigue, and the dark underbelly of global politics. Its longevity is a testament to its complex characters and meticulously researched plots that span the globe and various epochs.
2. Dokaben
- Volumes/Chapters: 205/1,814
- Author: Shinji Mizushima
- Magazine: Weekly ShĹŤnen Champion (weekly), Publisher: Akita Shoten
- Period: April 24, 1972 – September 7, 2018
“Dokaben” is a cornerstone of sports manga, specifically focusing on baseball. It follows the journey of Taro Yamada and his teammates through their baseball careers. This manga is renowned for its detailed depiction of the sport, character development, and the growth of its protagonists from high school to the professional leagues. The series concluded in 2018, leaving behind a legacy as one of Japan’s most beloved sports narratives.
3. Kochira Katsushika-ku Kameari KĹŤen-mae Hashutsujo
- Volumes/Chapters: 201/1,960
- Author: Osamu Akimoto
- Magazine: Weekly ShĹŤnen Jump (weekly), Publisher: Shueisha
- Period: September 1976 – October 4, 2021
Commonly known as “KochiKame,” this manga is a unique blend of comedy and police procedural, set in the Kameari Kōen precinct of Tokyo. The series focuses on the misadventures of the lazy but lovable policeman, Ryo-san. Its humor, combined with heartfelt moments and a cast of quirky characters, has ensured its place in the hearts of many readers.
4. Minami no TeiĹŤ
- Volumes/Chapters: 176/1,648
- Authors: Dai TennĹŤji, Rikiya GĹŤ
- Magazine: Weekly Manga Goraku (weekly), Publisher: Nihon Bungeisha
- Period: March 6, 1992 – Ongoing
“Minami no Teiō” centers on the life of Ginjiro Manda, a loan shark operating in Osaka’s Minami district. This series is celebrated for its insightful look into the financial struggles of small business owners and the underbelly of the financial world. Through its compelling storytelling, it offers a critique of society’s obsession with money and power.
5. Cooking Papa
- Volumes/Chapters: 168/1,680
- Author: Tochi Ueyama
- Magazine: Morning (weekly), Publisher: Kodansha
- Period: 1985 – Ongoing
Unlike the others on this list, “Cooking Papa” explores the culinary world through the eyes of Araiwa Kazumi, a family man who excels in cooking. This manga not only provides a plethora of recipes but also delves into the importance of family, work-life balance, and the joy of sharing meals. Its endearing characters and educational content have made it a favorite among food enthusiasts.