Top 7 Mythological Characters in Movies

Top 7 Mythological Characters in Movies | 7 Best Mythological Characters in Films
Top 7 Mythological Characters in Movies | 7 Best Mythological Characters in Films

Mythology and mythological characters have always been a part of reference or discussion. It is so popular that there is barely any war or notable characters that do not have a movie based on them. In this article, we are going to read about the top 7 mythological characters in movies.

Top 7 Mythological Characters in Movies | 7 Best Mythological Characters in Films:


Top 7 Mythological Characters in Movies - Thor
Top 7 Mythological Characters in Movies – Thor

Thor was the powerful god of thunder in Norse Mythology. He was the defender of gods and goddesses. Thor is played by Chris Hemsworth in the movies. In the movie, he has blonde hair and groomed face but the mythical Thor had a bushy beard and red hair. In the movie is speaks Shakespearean speech but in mythology, he did not speak any English.


7 Best Mythological Characters in Films - Achilles
7 Best Mythological Characters in Films – Achilles

In the 2004 movie Troy, Brad Pitt played the role of Achilles. Achilles was the greatest Greek warrior and he was the leader of the Myrmidons. There are several things in the movie that is different from what Homer wrote in Iliad. One of the primary things is the absence of Olympian gods – this allowed human interactions, romantic relationships, and character development. The relationship between Achilles and Patroclus is of lovers according to other works; however, Homer did not acknowledge or deny the bond. In the movie, they are depicted as cousins, which was not mentioned in any source.


7 Best Mythological Characters in Films – Hector

In the 2004 movie Troy, Eric Bana played the role of Hector. Hector was the crown prince of Troy. He was the commander of the Trojan army and he was Paris’s older brother. In the end, he was killed by Achilles, who later carried his body around in his chariot around the city of Troy. There are a few inaccuracies in the movie and the real source (Iliad). Homer wrote that the war lasted for ten years, but in the movie, it did not seem like it took them ten years. In the movie, after defeating Hector, Achilles tied his corpse to his chariot and dragged him back to the Greek camp, the disrespect was authentic but the desecration is worse in the actual text.


Top 7 Mythological Characters in Movies - Loki
Top 7 Mythological Characters in Movies – Loki

Loki is the god of Norse Mythology and is referred to as a trickster for not being entirely good or evil. In Marvel movies, Loki (played by Tom Hiddleston) was portrayed as being stubborn about taking over Earth and displacing the ruler of Asgard. But in the original Norse stories, Loki had no such ambition. In Thor: The Dark World, Loki was the adopted son of Odin but in Norse myth, he is the son of Farbauti and Laufey.


7 Best Mythological Characters in Films - Perseus
7 Best Mythological Characters in Films – Perseus

The 2010 movie Clash of Titans concentrates on Zeus’s son Perseus, who has to protect the world from the god of the underworld, Hades. Perseus has to fight the monsters of earth and sea to protect the world, and these battles are depicted throughout the movie. Some of the mistakes in this movie are – when Andromeda and Perseus woke up on the beach, she said to Perseus that Argos needs a new king, but Andromeda was not aware in any scene that her father has died. The movie is loosely based on the Greek myth of Perseus. This movie was so popular that it also had a sequel in 2012 named Wrath of the Titans.



Greek god Hercules has several inaccuracies compared to what was portrayed in Disney Hercules. In the movie, he is the son of Zeus and Hera, but in the myth, he is the son of Zeus and a mortal woman. In the film, he becomes a god after saving Meg, but in myth, he needs to complete 12 labours to be a god and reunite with his father.


Top 7 Mythological Characters in Movies - Leonidas
Top 7 Mythological Characters in Movies – Leonidas

Leonidas was a king of Sparta and the 17th of the Agiad line. Again is a dynasty which claimed to be decent from the demigod Cadmus and Heracles. Director Zack Snyder’s epic movie 300 focuses on the story of Leonidas. In the movie the king of Sparta along with his force of 300 men battles against the Persians at Thermopylae in 480 BC. Although in the movie the Spartan soldiers were fighting without any body armour, in reality, body armour was a valuable asset for the soldiers. And one of the biggest mistakes of the movie is it shows that the Spartan soldiers were the only Greek warriors who lead an attack against the Persians. Athens army was also there with the Spartas.

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