Tips To Spice Up Your Reading Space

Tips To Spice Up Your Reading Space
Tips To Spice Up Your Reading Space

Reading spaces determine the mood and tone of the setting where most of your reading happens. Every once a while, it’s good to jazz it up a little bit to keep the reading motivation, aesthetic and general vibe going. Here are a few ways you can spice up your reading space by stimulating all the five senses of the body.

Brighten it up

How much light is too much light? It’s a trick question – the answer is none. You can either shift your whole reading nook near (ideally, opposite to) the window to allow ample of natural light come through, or use artificial lights. Using fairy lights might give the place a surreal ambience, or even a cute or whimsical bedside light or yellow light might work.

Make the scents flow

Changing the décor doesn’t mean changing its visual and spatial character. You should also incorporate the stimulation of other senses – especially scent, because that can really set the vibe for an intense reading session. Scented candles, diffusers with essential oils, even joss sticks or incense sticks can work wonders in creating an ambience.

Tips To Spice Up Your Reading Space
Tips To Spice Up Your Reading Space

Add a musical ambience

Staying true to the previous point, add musical character to the reading space. You can use Caravans for an old school, vintage vibe, or a mixtape, or even a Bluetooth speaker if you want to go more modern. Just keeping musical instruments, such as a vintage veena, or a violin (or even a piano!) on the wall can add layers to your room, and reading nook.

Up the coziness quotient with rugs and quilts

Everything else might be indispensable, but comfort and coziness while reading is not. And that is also why we tend to let our rugs, quilts and cushions overstay their welcome. But take this as a cue to change up those old comforters, and bring in some new ones. You can add texture and colour as you please, or something that matches with the room too!

Tips To Spice Up Your Reading Space
Tips To Spice Up Your Reading Space

Go green!

Help the planet and the reading nook ambience by incorporating some green life in your décor. Different indoor plants, ranging from succulents to flowery plants can do the trick. These days, plants also come in a variety of whimsical and adorable pots, including ones special to reading. Pots shaped like a man reclining and reading, or books can look great.

Put up posters, author photographs, polaroid strings or reading lists

If you have space to hang up something near your reading nook, it might eb a great idea to use that space creatively. You can paint posters or buy them off any website with quotes that relate to books and reading. Or you could add the photographs of your favourite authors, polaroid strings or TBRs for the year.

Tips To Spice Up Your Reading Space
Tips To Spice Up Your Reading Space

Consider adding some wall art

Wall art can instantly add a liveliness and dynamicity to an otherwise dull space. We talked about some kinds of wall art in the previous point, but sculptural wall art can also work. Art prints, a set of motivational quotes, a book tree sticker, or just printed pages from your favoruite books can spice up the room.

Change up the location

If you really don’t want to spend on any of this, all you need to do is switch up the location of the book corner. Maybe shift it closer to the window, or in the balcony, or in another room entirely. A closet or storage space not in use anymore might work too. If you have a terrace, that is even better! And if all else fails, you can rearrange the furniture.

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