“Think Twice” is another thrilling installment in Harlan Coben’s renowned Myron Bolitar series. This suspenseful narrative delves deep into the complexities of presumed identities, deceit, and the undying echoes of past actions. Myron Bolitar, a sports agent, is confronted with a shocking revelation when federal agents inform him that his supposedly deceased client, Greg Downing, is not only alive but also a prime suspect in a double homicide.
The plot of “Think Twice” spirals through a series of gripping twists, each layer uncovering more about Myron’s intricate relationship with Greg, as well as with his associate, Win Lockwood. Coben masterfully keeps readers on the edge, intertwining suspense with the personal histories of the characters which enriches the narrative and adds a substantial depth to their motivations and actions.
Critics and readers alike have lauded the book for its fast-paced, edge-of-your-seat storytelling that is signature to Coben. According to reviews, the novel encapsulates a perfect blend of mystery and thriller elements, with a story that’s not just about the crime, but also about the personal growth and challenges the characters face. It’s particularly noted for its intricate plot and the way Coben ties up all loose ends in a satisfying conclusion that answers all questions raised throughout the narrative​​.
“Think Twice” is described as a book that’s not only for seasoned fans of the series but also new readers who might be looking for an engaging thriller that promises and delivers excitement and intrigue from the very first page to the last​.
Overall, “Think Twice” is highly recommended for anyone who enjoys thrillers that are as thought-provoking as they are thrilling. Harlan Coben has once again proven why he is considered a master of the genre, delivering a book that is both entertaining and intellectually stimulating.