When we talk about the Joker, we usually think of Gotham’s Clown Prince of Crime—a sadistic, unpredictable villain who thrives on chaos. But what happens when you give someone like the Joker the power of a god? The answer: Emperor Joker, one of the most powerful and terrifying versions of the Joker in DC Comics history. In the 2000 storyline that spanned multiple Superman titles, the Joker stole the reality-warping powers of Mr. Mxyzptlk, a fifth-dimensional imp. This event led to one of the most insane and disturbing alternate realities ever seen in DC Comics. With absolute control over reality, the Joker reshaped the universe in his image, turning heroes into grotesque parodies and subjecting Batman to endless torture. Let’s dive deep into the chaos that is Emperor Joker.
Superman’s Nightmare Begins
The story kicks off in Superman #160, where we find the Man of Steel incarcerated in a twisted version of reality. He breaks free from his chains in a scene reminiscent of the iconic Superman #1 cover but is immediately pursued by Calendar Man and Warden Solomon Grundy. Before he can escape, Bizarro—a warped version of Superman—is sent to stop him. The two engage in battle, with Superman desperately pleading for help. When he turns to Lois Lane, expecting her to aid him, she coldly refuses. In this nightmarish world, Lois has taken on the role of Lex Luthor, and Superman is considered the most wanted criminal in Metropolis.
Things continue to spiral as we learn more about this twisted reality. Jimmy Olsen now goes by the name Gravedigger Lad, standing at the graves of Huntress, Nightwing, and Robin, confirming that they’re dead. Aquaman is now a humanoid fish, a mockery of his former self. Even the Justice League has been transformed into absurd versions of themselves, with Poison Ivy as a member.
The Shocking Revelation: Who’s Behind It All?
As the story progresses, Superman finds himself trapped in an endless cycle—escaping and getting recaptured day after day. In Action Comics #769, Mr. Mxyzptlk finally appears and reveals the horrifying truth: he’s not in control of his powers anymore. Someone else has stolen them. That someone? The Joker.
Superman is in disbelief. How could the Joker—who has always been a chaotic but limited villain—gain the ability to reshape reality? But Mxyzptlk confirms it: the Joker now possesses nearly unlimited power. He has turned the world into his own playground, twisting everything and everyone into grotesque versions of themselves.

How the Joker Stole Godlike Power
In Emperor Joker #1, we finally learn how this all happened. Mxyzptlk, bored with his usual games, decided to test what would happen if he gave a tiny fraction of his power to the Joker. However, the Joker tricked him into revealing his true name—something every imp from the Fifth Dimension has—and used it to steal 99.9% of Mxyzptlk’s powers.
With near-omnipotence, the Joker wasted no time in reshaping reality to his liking. He didn’t just want to rule the world—he wanted to break it entirely, bending the universe into his own twisted image.
The Horrors of Emperor Joker’s Rule
Once Emperor Joker had full control, the universe became a nightmarish wasteland of his creation. Some of the most disturbing acts he committed include:
- Wiping out China: In one of the most horrific displays of power, the Joker erased the entire population of China and then proceeded to eat their skulls with chopsticks from a takeout container.
- Twisting the Justice League: Each member of the League was turned into a mockery of themselves. Aquaman became a humanoid fish that couldn’t swim. Wonder Woman was brainwashed into fearing all men and became a timid housemaid. Flash, now called “The Flab,” was an overweight speedster obsessed with junk food. Green Lantern was turned into a literal yellow paper lantern. Martian Manhunter became a tiny version of himself, dressed like Marvin the Martian.
- Endless Batman Torture: Perhaps the most twisted of all was what the Joker did to Batman. Every single night, he would kill Batman in a horrific way—only to resurrect him and do it all over again. Batman was trapped in an eternal loop of death and suffering, which left him questioning his own existence.
- The Robin Card Game: The Joker even played poker with the corpses of Dick Grayson, Tim Drake, and Jason Todd. Jason Todd’s corpse had a sign around its neck saying, “Why didn’t anyone call to save me?” This was a direct reference to the infamous Death in the Family storyline, where DC fans voted to have Jason Todd killed off. The Joker was so powerful, he was aware of his own fictional existence.
Even Darkseid Was Afraid
To fully grasp how powerful Emperor Joker was, consider this: Darkseid, one of DC’s most feared villains, was terrified of him. He sought help from some of the most powerful beings in the universe, including the wizard Shazam, Zeus, and Phantom Stranger. But it was too late—Joker had already warped their minds, rendering them useless. This solidified Emperor Joker as one of the most overpowered beings in DC history.

Superman’s Plan to Defeat the Joker
Despite Joker’s godlike abilities, there was one thing he couldn’t do: kill Batman. Superman realized that the Joker’s existence was tied to Batman. No matter how powerful he became, he couldn’t bring himself to permanently erase his greatest rival.
Using this knowledge, Superman confronted the Joker, challenging his self-proclaimed omnipotence. He mocked Joker’s inability to truly be free of Batman, pushing him to the edge. Eventually, the Joker’s ego led him to overextend his power, giving Mxyzptlk the opportunity to steal it back. With his powers restored, Mxyzptlk reversed most of the damage done, bringing the universe back to its original state.
Would you like to see Emperor Joker return in future DC storylines? Let us know in the comments!
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