WHAT IF…? Voice Artists: People Behind Favourite Characters In WHAT IF…?

WHAT IF…? Voice Artists: People Behind Favourite Characters In WHAT IF…?
WHAT IF…? Voice Artists: People Behind Favourite Characters In WHAT IF…?

What if…? Is Marvel’s new animation venture exploring an alternate reality where iconic moments from the Marvel Cinematic Universe occur differently. It’s streaming on Disney plus, and we’re here to look at WHAT IF…? Voice artists and actors. So lets see who are the people behind favourite characters in WHAT IF…? animated series.

Jeffrey Wright (The Watcher)

People Behind Favourite Characters In WHAT IF…?
People Behind Favourite Characters In WHAT IF…?

Wright is essaying the role of The Watcher in What if, wherein he is the narrator of the entire series. He is a member of the alien race that is observing the MCU, and head writer AC Bradley said that this character is above everything else. Wright was allegedly cast because he ‘mixes power, charisma and authority with a warm personality’.

Hayley Atwell (Captain Peggy Carter)

WHAT IF…? Voice Artists
WHAT IF…? Voice Artists

Atwell is the voice behind Captain Peggy Carter because she brings ‘chutzpah and style and flair’ to the character. Atwell has said that this was quite a dynamic role that constantly challenged her, and she was stoked about playing this character. As an acclaimed actor and voice artists, we’re more than sure she’ll do justice to the role.

Josh Keaton (Skinny Steve Rogers)

Voice Behind Favourite Characters In WHAT IF…?
Voice Behind Favourite Characters In WHAT IF…?

Keaton has portrayed the voice character of Skinny Steve Rogers, since Chris Evans didn’t return to the show. However, renowned voice actor Keaton is damn good at his job, and has also played Marvel characters previously.

Samuel Jackson (Nick Fury)

WHAT IF…? Voice actors
WHAT IF…? Voice Actors

Samuel is the voice artist of Nick Fury, as he has been for over 10 Marvel films. This series, he appears in a new and older avatar, with a more experienced voice channelization.

Jeremy Renner (Hawkeye)

People Behind Favourite Characters In WHAT IF…?
People Behind Favourite Characters In WHAT IF…?

Lending his wonderful voice to the character of Hawkeye, Jeremy has returned to the Marvel Cinematic Universe for the nth time. Being an expert archer and hand to hand combatant, you can be ready for several fight scenes featuring the iconic duo!

Stanley Tucci (Dr Erksine)

WHAT IF…? Voice Artists
WHAT IF…? Voice Artists

Tucci is the iconic voice behind Dr Erksine, the mad scientist of the Marvel universe. Erksine lives in Nazi Germany, works to create a serum that can award superhuman strength to the user. Tucci brings his historical, modulated voice to the table and steals the show.

Dominic Cooper (Howard Stark)

Voice Behind Favourite Characters In WHAT IF…?
Voice Behind Favourite Characters In WHAT IF…?

Howard Stark has been graced with the voice of none other than Dominic Cooper, with his beautiful British accent and voice acting. Stark is a polymath – a scientist, businessman, engineer and movie director, all in one. And Cooper has essayed this brilliantly.

Bradley Whitford (Colonel Flynn)

WHAT IF…? Voice Actors
WHAT IF…? Voice Actors

Whitford essays the voice role of Colonel Flynn, replacing Colonel Chester Phillips essayed by Tommy Lee Jones. This is a curious development, but one we like nonetheless because we don’t know much about Flynn beforehand. Flynn and Peggy’s animosity also offers a lot of plot material to build on.

Ross Marquand (Red Skull)

People Behind Favourite Characters In WHAT IF…?
People Behind Favourite Characters In WHAT IF…?

Ross is accredited with voicing the character of Red Skull in the Captain America series. Now he returns in What If, bringing his iconic flair with him. Ross has played the part of a supervillain perfectly, arousing hatred and anger in the audience. And now this show is only going to cement that impression further.

Neal McDonough (Dum Dum Dugan)

WHAT IF…? Voice Artists
WHAT IF…? Voice Artists

Dum Dum Dugan has become the character he is thanks to Neal’s voice. Dum Dum Dugan is described as a gentle giant, and an officer of the S.H.I.E.L.D. Neal, who is widely known for his stints in Marvel movies and even shows like Desperate Housewives and Suits, is a hit.

Sebastian Stan (Bucky Barnes)

Voice Behind Favourite Characters In WHAT IF…?
Voice Behind Favourite Characters In WHAT IF…?

Stan has lent his voice to the character of Bucky Barnes, the sidekick of Captain America. Sebastian has always portrayed his character in the Marvel movies where he appears, and now voices his character. Having been a part of hit shows like Gossip Girl, Sebastian has a prolific work profile. Plus he has become almost indistinguishable from his character, and we cant wait to see him work wonders with What If.

Benedict Cumberbatch (Doctor Strange)

WHAT IF…? Voice Actors
WHAT IF…? Voice Actors

We always like Benedict in his Doctor Strange character. He is a marvellous actor and shown his acting skills in every project he has worked on. I remembers when I first show him in Sherlock Holmes TV series. He will be the person behind our favourite characters in WHAT IF…?, and that is Doctor Strange.

Full List Of WHAT IF…? Voice Artists: People Behind Favourite Characters In WHAT IF…?:

Benicio Del Toro (The Collector), Chris Hemsworth (Thor), Natalie Portman (Thor), Tom Hiddleston (Loki), Andy Serkis (Ulysses Klaue), Angela Bassett (Ramonda), Bradley Whitford (John Flynn), Kat Dennings (Darcy Lewis), Benedict Wong (Wong), Josh Brolin (Thanos), Carrie Coon (Proxima Midnight), Chris Sullivan (Taserface), Paul Rudd (Ant-Man), Clancy Brown (Surtur), Seth Green (Howard the Duck), Paul Bettany (Vision), Clark Gregg (Phil Coulson), Cobie Smulders (Maria Hill), Angela Bassett (Ramonda), Danai Gurira (Okoye), David Dastmalchian (Kurt), Djimon Hounsou (Korath the Pursuer), Don Cheadle (War Machine), Emily VanCamp (Sharon Carter), Evangeline Lilly (Wasp), Frank Grillo (Crossbones), Georges St-Pierre (Batroc), Jaimie Alexander (Sif), Stanley Tucci (Abraham Erskine), Jeff Goldblum (Grandmaster), John Kani (T’Chaka), Jon Favreau (Happy Hogan), Karen Gillan (Nebula), Kurt Russell (Ego), Leslie Bibb (Christine Everheart), Mark Ruffalo (Bruce Banner), Michael Douglas (Hank Pym), Tilda Swinton (The Ancient One), Michael Rooker (Yondu), Ophelia Lovibond (Carina), Rachel House (Topaz), Rachel McAdams (Christine Palmer), Sean Gunn (Kraglin), Taika Waititi (Korg), Toby Jones (Arnim Zola) and Tom Vaughan-Lawlor (Ebony Maw)

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