No Cure for Being Human: And Other Truths I Need to Hear by Kate Bowler is raw, emotional, hard hitting, and honest. It’s obvious from reading this book that Kate Bowler has faced tremendous anxiety and suffering since her diagnosis with colon cancer. But, she shows happiness, beauty, and compassion toward those bearing their own difficulties at the same time. Due to that empathy, she has turned into a light to many individuals who felt emotionally and spiritually alone in their difficult times. Her empathy, and even humour, comes through in this book offering real hope to the individuals who need it.
No Cure for Being Human by Kate Bowler is more of a real tale about her life. The life she has confronted a cancer diagnosis as a young mother, wife, family member and friend. She shares things in a realistic manner. I nearly feel like I am standing with her in the hospital and wanted to hold her hand as she hangs tight for the oncologist’s report.
Kate Bowler’s faith is obvious all through No Cure for Being Human, however it never feels overtly religious. In fact, her way of writing is approachable to individuals with solid faith or with no faith as well. However she deals with topics that a few readers will see through a spiritual angle, they are significantly human as well. In the event that you have at any point pondered “what is this trouble teaching me?,” just to later understand that it might not have been teaching you anything at all, you will see that large numbers of the subjects highlighted truly sing.
I would recommend No Cure for Being Human by Kate Bowler to anyone and everyone. But for sure, to somebody who has to deal with a troublesome diagnosis. According to me it will be very helpful. I liked reading her story and her sensible, however reviving outlook on life.
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