The Thing, also known as Ben Grimm, is often overlooked when discussing Marvel’s most powerful superheroes. Many assume he is just another strong brute, but a closer look at his feats proves he is much more than that. His battle against Galactus, where he single-handedly knocks out the cosmic entity with a single punch, is one of the most jaw-dropping moments in comic book history. This article explores just how powerful The Thing truly is, breaking down his abilities, strength, and moments of sheer dominance in the Marvel Universe.
The Setup: Galactus Arrives on Earth
The story unfolds with Galactus arriving on Earth at a time when Trax the Tamer, a former Herald of Galactus, had already reached the planet. Trax had been one of Galactus’ Heralds but proved to be more trouble than he was worth, constantly going rogue and defying his master. Once on Earth, he used his Power Cosmic-enhanced abilities to rip New York City from the Earth and float it into space, forcing the Fantastic Four to confront Galactus. However, Galactus was already in a weakened state due to his constant hunger. Unlike when he has a Herald to locate suitable planets for him, he had been searching for sustenance on his own, draining his energy rapidly.
The Fantastic Four Face Galactus
Only three members of the Fantastic Four—Ben Grimm (The Thing), Johnny Storm (The Human Torch), and Reed Richards (Mr. Fantastic)—stood against Galactus. Susan Storm (The Invisible Woman) was absent for reasons that would be revealed later. Despite Galactus’ cosmic power, he had always respected Reed Richards since their original confrontation when Reed wielded the Ultimate Nullifier—a device capable of erasing entire universes. This respect made Galactus hesitant, even though he needed to consume Earth to survive.
Meanwhile, Trax, watching from the sidelines, grew suspicious of the lack of combat. Believing Galactus was forming an alliance with the Fantastic Four, Trax attacked Galactus, but the cosmic entity retaliated, severely injuring his former Herald and stripping him of his Power Cosmic. With Trax dealt with, Galactus turned his attention back to Earth, triggering a desperate battle for survival.
The Avengers Join the Fight
As Galactus began constructing his world-devouring machine, Reed Richards pleaded with him to spare Earth, but Galactus remained unmoved. It was at this moment that Thor, alongside several Avengers, arrived to aid the Fantastic Four. Captain America, Iron Man, and others launched an assault, but Galactus was nearly unstoppable. Reed, recognizing the danger, emphasized that if Galactus fell from his elevated position, millions of people could die. The Wasp, in a surprising moment of ingenuity, flew inside Galactus’ helmet and stung his face, forcing him to stumble to the ground, setting the stage for a more level battle.
The Game-Changer: Doctor Strange and The Thing
Doctor Strange, whose mystical abilities had been scaled down over the years, stepped in to disorient Galactus. He cast a spell that momentarily froze time, disorienting the cosmic entity. Though the details of what Galactus saw remain unclear, it was likely some form of psychological torment akin to Ghost Rider’s Penance Stare. This brief window of vulnerability was all The Thing needed.
Reed Richards, using his elastic body, turned himself into a makeshift slingshot and launched Ben Grimm directly at Galactus. The Thing, in an awe-inspiring moment, delivered a single, devastating punch that completely knocked out Galactus. This wasn’t just a moment of staggering strength; it was a defining moment in Marvel history. The sheer force of the punch left Galactus unconscious, proving that The Thing’s power is far beyond what most fans give him credit for.

The Aftermath: Saving Galactus
Despite their victory, the heroes soon realized that Galactus was dying. Without feeding, he would perish, and while he had threatened Earth, his existence was vital to the cosmic balance. Reed Richards, against the protests of his teammates, argued that they had to save Galactus.
Iron Man retrieved advanced technology from Stark Industries, and Thor used Mjolnir to channel energy into a makeshift device that mimicked Galactus’ world-devouring machine. However, Galactus was so depleted that he began siphoning Thor’s life force. Captain America intervened, knocking Thor away before he could be fatally drained. The effort revived Galactus just enough to allow him to seek sustenance elsewhere.
The Deal with Galactus
Reed Richards struck a temporary truce, agreeing to help Galactus locate suitable planets to feed on. However, Galactus needed energy immediately, or he wouldn’t survive long enough to reach another planet. At this critical juncture, Frankie Ray, a member of the Fantastic Four, stepped up and offered to become Galactus’ new Herald in exchange for Earth’s safety. This self-sacrificial act ensured Earth’s survival, and Galactus departed with his new Herald.
The Trial of Reed Richards
In the aftermath, Reed was put on trial by the Shi’ar Empire for saving Galactus, as they deemed his actions responsible for the deaths of countless beings across the cosmos. The trial saw various alien races testifying about the destruction Galactus had caused, arguing that Reed had doomed millions by ensuring Galactus’ survival. However, Odin and even Galactus himself intervened, revealing that Galactus was a necessary cosmic force, akin to a natural disaster rather than a malevolent entity. Ultimately, Reed was found not guilty, but the moral implications of his decision remained a heavy burden.
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