Joining productive or say company of smart individuals are very important for people who want to grow and succeed in life. It is rightly said that your character can be defined by the kind of friends you have. In this article we have mention few tips on How to join a company of people smarter than you. In a company of smart people you end up with more options from which to select, which allows you to weed out the unimportant and reinforce what have thought earlier.
How to join a company of people smarter than you
They don’t have to be your pals necessarily.
You don’t have to “switch” your pals for smarter ones if they aren’t, even though they might still be intelligent. They are still there for you to get a drink with occasionally. To receive unbiased assistance from the outside, you must leave the world you have made for yourself and everything in it. It might come from a coworker who doesn’t strike you as very attractive but whom you know you can learn from. It may have been your instructor who frequently brought empty beer cans to class and turned it into a lesson.
Connect on social media with people you admire:
Of course. Follow them on Twitter, add them as a friend on Facebook, and connect with them on LinkedIn. Don’t stop there; continue to interact with them. Comment on, like, and respond to their postings. Don’t stalk anyone. Stay calm about it. This is how many friendships blossom. You too can succeed.

Invite your online acquaintances to dinner or drink.
The next action is this. I know it’s crazy! However, it need not be intimidating. It’s possible that you’ve just interacted with these folks online, or perhaps you’ve met them once or twice. In either case, consider forming a small group if you know two or three intriguing and intelligent people. Don’t make a big deal out of it. People will probably overlook those. However, many people enjoy being solicited by prospective new friends. Send a message along the lines of, “I’m trying to meet new intelligent individuals, and you seem smart and fascinating. For an hour, let’s get together and have beverages.
Contact those whose work has an impact on you.
Send a remark if you appreciated reading an article and why, or if you found a certain idea or insight particularly intriguing. A writer friend of mine frequently writes letters to bloggers, journalists, and book authors. Frequently, they respond to his letters, and he ends up becoming friends with or acquaintances with them and landing tonnes of amazing freelance jobs.
As I previously stated, intelligent individuals understand the importance of generosity, and you’re likely to encounter many of them giving their time and money to worthy causes. Another benefit of volunteering is that it raises your employability factor, which some claim can go up to 27 percent.

Find out where clever people congregate.
At the opening of the Fellini exhibition at the TIFF Lightbox in 2011, my husband met his business/creative partner. While I was away, eating the free meal, my husband was standing around talking to himself when his now-friend decided to join the conversation (true story). At cultural events, museums, and art exhibits, we encounter intelligent people. Smaller art galleries usually always host open houses that are free for everyone to attend. Attend conferences and get in touch with any speakers you find interesting.
Ask your smart friends for help.
Request that they show you around and introduce you to their intelligent friends. Make sure they keep you in mind if a situation arises that might be appropriate.
Push yourself past your comfort zone.
This is a significant issue for many people. Try listening to someone when they offer a different position from your own, such as one that is political, rather than automatically assuming that your viewpoint is the only valid one. Many people find doing this to be extremely uncomfortable. Never be. It’s a terrific method to connect with smarter individuals than you.

Talk to everyone.
Many of us have a propensity to judge others negatively based on presumptions. I lost count of the number of times I was flat-out mistaken about someone. Be approachable and active with others around you. And speak less and listen more. In the end, everyone knows more than you do about something.
When you move forward with someone who continually raises his boundaries, you attempt to “elasticize” your potential. Furthermore, no intelligent person would want to mentor someone who couldn’t keep up with their pace.
When you try to stay up, you redefine yourself according to really high criteria that you never thought you could meet. And if you do, you wouldn’t want someone to tell you what it means to be doing what you are or to have someone’s mediocrity regarding your beliefs reflect on theirs.
You will end up with much more progress when you let yourself go on a spree of specifically picking the brains of the correct individuals than if you were merely hanging out with someone for a drink or to have someone to binge-watch Netflix with. You end up with more options from which to select, which allows you to weed out the unimportant and reinforce what would highlight your hobbies and abilities.