How To Be Rich: 7 Books That Can Help You Become Rich

7 books that can help you become rich
7 books that can help you become rich

Becoming rich isn’t written on the palm of your hand or the lines on your forehead. It comprises a set of conscious decisions that accumulate to give astounding impacts. These decisions could go incredibly well or terribly awry – it all depends on financial literacy. And since financial literacy isn’t taught at school, the only way is to read experts on finance who are also tremendously rich. One sound way to do that is via books. Here are few books that answer the basic question we all have that is how to be rich. A number of books have been written about the process of accumulating wealth. We have listed 7 books that can help you become rich.

Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki

7 books that can help you become rich - Rich Dad, Poor Dad
7 books that can help you become rich – Rich Dad, Poor Dad

In this groundbreaking book, Robert pits his biological father, a professor with a degree who struggles to make ends meet against his adopted father, a rich eighth grade dropout. In the process, he tells us that the conventional road to wealth, beset with a fine education and a corporate job is useless unless we have financial sense. To become truly rich, one must save, make investments and make sound financial decisions. The tips and tricks of this trade are what comprise this book.

Naked Money by Charles Wheelan

Naked Money
7 books that can help you become rich – Naked Money

This is a highly informative book about, as the title suggests, money. To become richer than ever, you need to know about more than just personal finances. You need to get down to the deepest level of understanding of money- you need to know just how money functions. This is an engaging read that delves into the roots of money and explains what money exactly is, why a piece of paper no different from monopoly money is so powerful, the role of banks and just how money works in the economic system.

The Psychology of Money by Morgan Housel

7 books that can help you become rich - The Psychology of Money
7 books that can help you become rich – The Psychology of Money

In this eye opening book, Housel delves into the causes behind money decisions. Most financial decisions are coloured by people’s life story, experiences, personality, ego, marketing and persuasion and worldview. This is where psychology comes in – it explains exactly what guides these decisions and how to be aware of that. Through this awareness comes the ability catch yourself in time before making emotional decisions. What follows is an inflow of income into your wallet due to smarter choices.

The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace Wattle

The Science of Getting Rich
7 books that can help you become rich – The Science of Getting Rich

Accumulating his life’s lessons taken from great philosophers, Wallace has distilled them into a slim volume. This book enlists the laws of success, which includes the ability to create wealth in a way that uplifts those around you. It is not just a book about becoming financially rich, it includes innovative ways you can become socially rich, by lifting the financial bar for the whole world. Full of great insights, this book will help you reach your dreams.

The Money Book for the Young, Fabulous and Broke by Suze Orman

The Money Book for the Young, Fabulous and Broke
7 books that can help you become rich – The Money Book for the Young, Fabulous and Broke

This book aims at financially educating the cream of the crowd – the youth of the world who actually generate most of its wealth. Orman is a financial expert who addresses young people, just graduated with a load of student loan debt, living off credit cards and paying exorbitant rents. In this book, she guides such youngsters by demonstrating wrong and right financial decisions.

Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

Think and Grow Rich
7 books that can help you become rich – Think and Grow Rich

This financial classic was written during the Great Depression of the 1930s. This was when personal and governmental finances were in terrible states. Thus, this book was written keeping the worst in mind. Now that the world economies are better off and personal finances have become considerably better, following these principles is a sureshot success. This is a book of timeless wisdom along with impeccable advice, especially about what you should NOT do.

How Rich People Think by Steve Siebold

7 books that can help you become rich - How Rich People Think
7 books that can help you become rich – How Rich People Think

This book doesn’t tell you what you should or shouldn’t do to become rich, but it definitely details what rich people do and think. Because being rich isn’t just about things you do or decisions you make. It’s about having a mindset and thought process that allows you to do things and make decisions. And once you make your roots strong – that is, when you learn to think a certain way – success will follow.

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