How Lucky: By Will Leitch | Interesting Story With Unforgettable Characters

How Lucky By Will Leitch
How Lucky By Will Leitch | Interesting Story With Unforgettable Characters

How Lucky by Will Leitch is an interesting story with Unforgettable characters. It has a nice balance of suspense and laughs. Told from the point of view of someone who has Spinal Muscular Atrophy. He is bound to a powered wheelchair, and witnesses a kidnapping, and obviously can’t get anybody, including the police to accept that he saw what he saw.

Daniel is from Athens, Georgia, and works for an airline. He answers customer issues online, goes to soccer games on weekends and spends time with his dearest friend Travis. One morning he sees what he believes is an abduction of a student who walks by daily. But the question is, did he? She appeared to get in willingly. However, when Ai-Chin is reported missing. Daniel tried to tell the police about what he had seen, but…

How Lucky By Will Leitch | Interesting Story With Unforgettable Characters
How Lucky By Will Leitch | Interesting Story With Unforgettable Characters

A lot of that has to do with the truth that Daniel has Spinal Muscular Atrophy. The cop sent to take his statement, can’t see more than a wheelchair. Daniel’s information and statement are blithely explained and written off.

The characters in “How Lucky” are stunning and relatable. Daniel is young, however very much aware that he will not live a long life. He suffers, yet he is anxious to live, and he simply needs to be dealt with like every other person. Marjani is protective and attentive; she is dedicated toward work and trustworthy. Travis is Daniel’s closest companion since childhood; he has all the qualities a close friend should have. Life is tolerable due to his support staff, but particularly because of Travis.

I found lot amount about Spinal Muscular Atrophy through Daniel. The hard, cold realities yet in addition the human feelings, perspectives, qualities and joys that Daniel embodies. He believes himself to be fortunate. You’ll have to have a tissue handy in more than one chapter. Also, perhaps see your own life through his perspective.

How Lucky by Will Leitch makes the reader think about how people with disabilities are treated. Well-intentioned individuals can be harmful with their activities, and on account of this story, Daniel knew about the disparate treatment, and yearned to be incorporated and treated as part of the gang. I hope that I haven’t incidentally caused somebody with a disability to feel less. I’m grateful for a book that makes me more mindful and a better individual.

Also Read: The Personal Librarian: By Marie Benedict and Victoria Christopher Murray

Book Review Podcast (How Lucky By Will Leitch | Interesting Story With Unforgettable Characters)

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