Greatest fear of Wonder Woman: 10 Things That Scare Princess Diana

Greatest fear of Wonder Woman: 10 Things That Scare Princess Diana
Greatest fear of Wonder Woman: 10 Things That Scare Princess Diana

Behind the iconic armor, unbreakable bracelets, and Lasso of Truth, Wonder Woman stands as a symbol of strength, courage, and justice. As Princess Diana of Themyscira, she has inspired generations of fans and has become one of the most beloved superheroes of all time. However, even the mightiest heroes have their own set of fears and vulnerabilities. In this article, we will delve into the lesser-known side of Wonder Woman’s psyche, exploring the top 10 things that scare Princess Diana. Through this examination, we aim to offer a deeper understanding of her character, revealing the complexities that make her more than just a warrior, but also a relatable, multidimensional figure.

Losing her loved ones

Greatest fear of Wonder Woman: 10 Things That Scare Princess Diana - Losing her loved ones
Greatest fear of Wonder Woman: 10 Things That Scare Princess Diana – Losing her loved ones

Losing her loved ones is a profound fear that lies at the core of Wonder Woman’s character. As Princess Diana of Themyscira, she values the bonds she shares with her Amazon sisters, as well as the close friendships she forms with her fellow superheroes and allies. The pain of loss, be it through death or separation, is a burden that weighs heavily on her heart. This fear serves as a reminder that despite her immense power and god-like abilities, Wonder Woman is not immune to the same emotional vulnerabilities that affect us all. In essence, her love for others is both her greatest strength and a potential source of heartache.

Ares, the God of War

Ares, the God of War
Ares, the God of War

The God of War, represents the antithesis of everything Wonder Woman stands for, making him one of her most formidable adversaries. As a symbol of peace and justice, Diana fears the chaos, destruction, and suffering that Ares seeks to inflict upon humanity. His relentless pursuit of conflict poses a constant threat to the world she loves and has sworn to protect. This fear highlights the magnitude of her responsibility and showcases her determination to prevent the horrors of war. Confronting Ares ultimately pushes Wonder Woman to the limits of her strength and courage, as she stands firmly against his malevolent influence.


Greatest fear of Wonder Woman: 10 Things That Scare Princess Diana - Poison
Greatest fear of Wonder Woman: 10 Things That Scare Princess Diana – Poison

Similar to many superheroes, Diana Princess is a humanoid figure, which makes her vulnerable to poisoning if administered in the correct type and dosage. In Justice League: Doom, Batman, due to specific circumstances, decides to eliminate all founding members of the titular superhero team. He believes that poisoning Wonder Woman is the most efficient method to defeat the demigoddess once and for all. Later on, Cheetah acquires the same poison and employs it against Diana during a confrontation.



Similar to Superman, the Man of Steel, Wonder Woman is also vulnerable to psychotropic hallucinogens. Even after assuming the title of the God of War in the New 52 storyline, Diana can be drugged or gassed as easily as any ordinary human, making her a prime target for supervillains like Dr. Jonathan Crane, aka Scarecrow.

This vulnerability is demonstrated in the video game Injustice 2, where Wonder Woman falls victim to Scarecrow’s fear toxin. The toxin induces a hallucination in which Superman withdraws his love for Diana and attacks her with his heat vision. Though portrayed as a villain in this series, Wonder Woman eventually overcomes the illusion and confronts Crane for revealing her deepest fears.

High-caliber weaponry

Greatest fear of Wonder Woman: 10 Things That Scare Princess Diana - High-caliber weaponry
Greatest fear of Wonder Woman: 10 Things That Scare Princess Diana – High-caliber weaponry

High-caliber weaponry poses a threat to Wonder Woman, even though she is capable of withstanding powerful blows from formidable foes like Doomsday. Despite her immense strength, bullets can penetrate her skin, requiring her to block them with her bracelets when under attack. This vulnerability has been depicted in various instances throughout her history, dating back to the Silver Age.

A notable example is in Wonder Woman #21, where Diana is injured by a hail of bullets. Consequently, she requests Steve Trevor to retaliate against the assaulting soldiers. While it may seem perplexing that such a powerful character is susceptible to bullets, this vulnerability adds an element of realism and challenge to her character.



Powerful cosmic beings like Darkseid or the Anti-Monitor represent a significant threat to Wonder Woman, as their extraordinary abilities can match or even exceed her own. These entities often have reality-altering powers, energy manipulation, or vast strength, enabling them to challenge even the mightiest of heroes. Facing such formidable opponents pushes Diana to the limits of her capabilities, testing her resilience and resourcefulness.

Engaging in battle against these cosmic beings highlights the gravity of the stakes involved, as well as the immense responsibility that Wonder Woman bears to protect the universe from their destructive ambitions. In essence, these encounters showcase her unwavering determination and courage in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds.


Greatest fear of Wonder Woman: 10 Things That Scare Princess Diana - Aging
Greatest fear of Wonder Woman: 10 Things That Scare Princess Diana – Aging

While Wonder Woman possesses incredible powers, she is not immortal and will eventually succumb to the passage of time like any Earth-dwelling being. Her own mortality serves as her greatest vulnerability, albeit with a slower decline than an average human due to her demigod status.

Despite her immense strength and abilities, Diana cannot outrun the inexorable march of time. This truth applies even to her role as the New 52’s God of War. Time inevitably catches up to everyone, and Wonder Woman is no exception. The only lingering question is when her eventual end will come.



Wonder Woman was initially created as a representation of William Moulton Marston’s views on power dynamics within human relationships. Marston aimed to communicate his ideas through popular culture, specifically targeting young people by using comic books as his medium.

In the early stories of Diana Prince/Wonder Woman, there are numerous references to domination and bondage, such as Amazons reforming corrupt CEOs using these methods. Regarding Wonder Woman’s early weaknesses, one of them involved being restrained by a man. When this occurred, she would immediately fall under a “spell” and become submissive to her captor’s intentions.


Greatest fear of Wonder Woman: 10 Things That Scare Princess Diana - Simplicity
Greatest fear of Wonder Woman: 10 Things That Scare Princess Diana – Simplicity

In certain iterations of Wonder Woman, one of her most significant weaknesses is her lack of worldly knowledge. This aspect of the character is particularly prominent in the 2016 DCEU film Wonder Woman, directed by Patty Jenkins and produced by Warner Bros.

In the movie, Diana is raised in isolation on the island of Themyscira, leaving her unaware of the world beyond her homeland. When she accompanies Steve Trevor to London to confront the events of World War II, she becomes captivated by the sights and sounds she had never encountered before. However, this naivety leaves her vulnerable to the manipulations of Ares, the God of War, who deceives his half-sister while disguised as an elderly man.

Losing her identity

Losing her identity
Losing her identity

This is a deep-seated fear for Wonder Woman, as it encompasses the potential loss of her core values and sense of self. As Princess Diana of Themyscira, she embodies virtues like justice, compassion, and truth, which define her actions and purpose as a hero. The thought of losing touch with these principles is profoundly unsettling to her, as it would undermine her mission and the very essence of who she is. This fear underscores the importance of maintaining her connection to her Amazonian heritage and the need to continuously uphold the values that make her a symbol of hope and inspiration.

Also Read: Greatest fear of Superman: 10 Things That Scare man of steel

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