Dwayne Johnson, popularly known as “The Rock,” is making a grand return to one of his most beloved roles as Maui in “Moana 2” the anticipated sequel to Disney’s “Moana.” Recently, Johnson took to X to share exclusive behind-the-scenes photos from his latest recording sessions at Walt Disney Animation Studios. These images not only showcased Johnson’s work but also paid homage to his grandfather, High Chief Peter Maivia, who inspired the character of Maui.
Bringing MAUI???? back to life for MOANA 2!
— Dwayne Johnson (@TheRock) April 27, 2024
So much fun becoming MAUI again – a character that changed my life in many ways – including the character of MAUI being inspired by my late grandfather, High Chief Peter Maivia.
The Polynesian cultural significance of the role and our… pic.twitter.com/JpWjxySyWZ
In his post, Johnson expressed his excitement and honor in revisiting the character that significantly impacted his life. He highlighted the cultural importance of Maui and the narrative of the upcoming film to Polynesian heritage, promising new adventures, characters, and music that will continue to resonate with families globally. “Bringing MAUI back to life for MOANA 2! So much fun becoming MAUI again—a character that changed my life in many ways,” Johnson wrote, sparking anticipation for the film’s release later this year.
In addition to his voice work in “Moana 2,” which is set to hit theaters on November 27, 2024, Johnson is also preparing to bring Maui to life in a live-action adaptation of “Moana.” Although initially scheduled for a 2025 release, the live-action project has been postponed to July 10, 2026, to prioritize the animated sequel.
The original “Moana,” released in 2016, featured voices such as Auliʻi Cravalho as Moana and Johnson as Maui, along with other notable actors. The film, set in ancient Polynesia, follows the young Moana as she embarks on a quest to reunite a mystical relic with a goddess, assisted by the demigod Maui. Garnering over $687 million worldwide, “Moana” received critical acclaim and several Academy Award nominations, including Best Animated Feature.
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