Bloodless by Douglas Preston is a good suspenseful story. I completely enjoyed this novel, it is very well written and exceptionally engaging. Bloodless is Preston’s 20th novel in the Pendergast series. In spite of the fact that it is possible that the novel can be read as an independent. If asked for my opinion I would say, you should read his previous works to better understand the characters.

Bloodless By Douglas Preston Is A Good Suspenseful Story
Bloodless By Douglas Preston Is A Good Suspenseful Story

FBI special agents Coldmoon and Pendergast, alongside Pendergast’s ward, Constance Greene. They all are apparently heading home in the wake of settling their most recent case in Florida when they are unexpectedly rerouted to Savannah where there have been two horrible homicides by exsanguination. The Savannah Vampire at work? Or something much more evil?

The agents and Constance they all are staying at The Chandler House, a historic hotel on Chatham Square. This was the place where the hotel manager was the 1st victim of the killer. He and Miss Felicity Winthrop Frost, the old and reclusive proprietor of the hotel who lives on the highest floor, had a good relationship yet were heard arguing just few hours before his death. Maybe Constance can acquire the elderly woman’s confidence to know the reason behind.

Where the story fails is with the two primary supporting characters Constance and Coldmoon. I felt Coldmoon’s was underdeveloped. He acted more as a reactionary figure to Pendergast instead of being a real investigator adding to the case. The book goes totally out of control with Pendergast’s ward Constance. While it is reasonable that the writer need to present a female person in the image, the FBI could never endure having an unapproved individual on location. This is pure male fantasy on the writers part. Constance should definitely get her own book.

All in all, Bloodless by Douglas Preston is a good addition to this long-running series. The setting is similarly interesting and atmospheric. Apart from the issue I have already discussed regarding characters rest others are entertaining. The ending was very intriguing. At least one of the last chapters leaves the readers the feel of wanting to know more.

Also Read: Nolyn By Michael J Sullivan

Book Review Podcast (Bloodless By Douglas Preston Is A Good Suspenseful Story)

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