Book Recommendation: Best Mystery Novels Of August 2021

Book Recommendation: Best Mystery Novels Of August 2021
Book Recommendation: Best Mystery Novels Of August 2021

Book Recommendation is something we do regularly for people who find it difficult to choose best books to read. Today. We’ve made a list of best mystery novels of August 2021 that we think should definitely make it into your TBR for the month!

Billy Summers by Stephen King

Best Mystery Novels Of August 2021
Best Mystery Novels Of August 2021

The mystery horror book scene is booming with the release of horror “Stephen” King’s (get the pun?) latest book. This one follows a sniper named Billy who kills only really, really bad guys. He’s a master of his trade, and an expert at vanishing after the murder. But everything suddenly decides to go downhill for the man.

Velvet Was The Night by Silvia Moreno Garcia

Book Recommendation for August 2021
Mystery Book Recommendation for August 2021

This is the much awaited book from Mexican Gothic writer Garcia which paints a portrait of 1970s Mexico. Maite lives a boring life as a secretary, and hence becomes obsessed with beautiful, mysterious art student Leonara. So when Leonara disappears, Maite takes it upon herself to unearth her truth and find her, meeting a man working for his boss to find her as well. The two strike a cord and mystery and romance unfold hand in hand.

The Turnout by Meg Abbott

Best Mystery Novels Of August 2021
Best Mystery Novels Of August 2021

This book follows the delicately balanced lives of the sisters Dara and Marie Durant and Dara’s husband Charlie. They run a ballet school with impeccable division of responsibilities – Dara teaches the older kids, Marie the younger ones and Charlie runs the administration. However, an accident at the annual ballet performance of The Nutcracker disrupts this fine balance, driving their lives into confusion and chaos.

The Husbands by Chandler Baker

Book Recommendation
Mystery Book Recommendation for August 2021

This book follows the life of the Spangler family, where both the spouses work but only the wife, Nora finds herself doing the household chores. But when the Spanglers go house hunting, Nora sees empowered, independent women. And with this shift comes a secret so potent it’s worth killing to unravel. This book is an eerie household mystery with very interesting characters.

56 Days by Catherine Ryan Howard

Best Mystery Novels Of August 2021
Best Mystery Novels Of August 2021

At the heart of this book is a murder mystery. 56 days before, Ciara and Oliver meet in the supermarket queue in Dublin the same day that COVID enters Ireland. 35 days before, Oliver suggested they move in lest the lockdown threaten their relationship. And the day the novel unfolds, a decomposing body is found in Oliver’s house. This is a perfect lockdown mystery that will keep you on your toesd.

The Last Mona Lisa by Jonathan Santlofer

Book Recommendation
Mystery Book Recommendation for August 2021

This mystery cum historical fiction delves into what happened between the theft of the Mona Lisa by Vincent Peruggia in 1911 and its recovery two years later. Cut to present day, Prof Luke wants to excavate exactly what happened to his famous ancestor Peruggia. Traversing two timelines and unraveling one of the biggest mysteries, this one’s a masterpiece.

The Guilt Trip by Sandy Jones

Best Mystery Novels Of August 2021
Best Mystery Novels Of August 2021

This book follows six people who go on a trip, until one of them is found to by harbouring deep secrets. At the heart of the novel are six friends – Rachel and Noah who are university besties, their spouses Jack and Paige, Jack’s brother Will and his fiancée Ali. No one really likes Ali, and some revelations are going to enhance that mistrust.

A Lesson in Vengeance by Victoria Lee

Book Recommendation
Mystery Book Recommendation for August 2021

This is a dark academia, fantasy mystery thriller that is set in a boarding school that used to be a nexus of witchcraft in the past. We follow to girls, Felicity and Ellis, who are dangerously close to unearthing the school’s deep, dark secrets.

The Family Plot by Megan Collins

Best Mystery Novels Of August 2021
Best Mystery Novels Of August 2021

This book follows an upheaval in the life of a wealthy, crime obsessed family. Our protagonist is Dahlia Lighthouse, who has been living in seclusion from the world and er parents, haunted by the disappearance of her twin brother when they were six. And now when the patriarch of the family dies and she returns to bury him, another person is lying in his grave. This sets into motion a multitude of events that culminate into unearthing the mystery.

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