Best Books Written by Scientists | Science Books By legendry Scientists

Best Books Written by Scientists | Science Books By legendry Scientists
Best Books Written by Scientists | Science Books By legendry Scientists

What we know and learn every day had happened in the past and came into knowledge through certain discoveries and inventions. Invention and discovery are highly significant for the improvement of human life – we can start from the invention of fire till now and every day, something or the other is being created or discovered to have an easier life. In this article we are going to read about the 10 best books written by scientists – it consists of some of the best inventors of the world.

The Origin of Species – Charles Darwin

Best Books Written by Scientists - The Origin of Species - Charles Darwin
Best Books Written by Scientists – The Origin of Species – Charles Darwin

This 1859 published book is a work of scientific literature. This book by Darwin is considered the foundation of evolutionary biology. He included his evidence that he gathered on the Beagle expedition during the 1830s and his succeeding findings from research, experimentation, and correspondence. On the Origin of Species was targeted at non-specialist readers.

A Brief History of Time – Stephen Hawking

Science Books By legendry Scientists - A Brief History of Time - Stephen Hawking
Science Books By legendry Scientists – A Brief History of Time – Stephen Hawking

Since its publication in the ear 1988, this book has sold over nine million copies in 40 languages globally. This book talks about theoretical cosmology – he wrote this book for readers who were never familiar with physics and readers who are keen on gaining knowledge about some interesting topics. He discusses black holes and Big Bang, theories such as quantum mechanics and general relativity.

Cosmos – Carl Sagan

Cosmos – Carl Sagan
Best Books Written by Scientists – Cosmos – Carl Sagan

This book consists of 13 hugely illustrated chapters. In Cosmos, Carl Sagan explores the 15 billion years of growth of science, civilization, and cosmic evolution. It traces the origin of understanding and scientific procedures, lending philosophy, and science. It also discusses the fundamental basis of science by offering biographical anecdotes about several well-known scientists throughout history, organizing their inputs into the broader framework of the growth of modern science.

The Selfish Gene – Richard Dawkins

The Selfish Gene – Richard Dawkins
Science Books By legendry Scientists – The Selfish Gene – Richard Dawkins

Dawkins managed to alter the way we see the world and ourselves with the publication of this astonishing book. Drawing marvelous and surprising examples from every ground of biology, he paved the path for an earnest re-evaluation of evolution. According to him, if we are puppets, we should at least try to understand our strings.

The Elegant Universe – Brian Greene

Best Books Written by Scientists - The Elegant Universe – Brian Greene
Best Books Written by Scientists – The Elegant Universe – Brian Greene

Greene is one of the best-known string theorists and an American theoretical physicist. Utilizing analogies and metaphors, Greene organized The Elegant Universe which makes some of the most complicated notions ever considered viscerally reachable and methodically amusing; bringing the readers nearer than ever to the comprehension of how the universe works.

Silent Spring – Rachel Carson

Science Books By legendry Scientists - Silent Spring – Rachel Carson
Science Books By legendry Scientists – Silent Spring – Rachel Carson

Carson offers us a book that documents the unpleasant environmental consequences caused by the haphazard use of pesticides. The author accuses the chemical industry of spreading disinformation and the public officials for accepting the marketing provided by the industry without any questions and queries. This book led to the banning of DDT and other revolutionary alterations of things that concerns the pollution of air, water, and land.

The Double Helix – James D. Watson

The Double Helix – James D. Watson
Best Books Written by Scientists – The Double Helix – James D. Watson

James Watson and Francis Crick identified the structure and won themselves the prestigious Nobel Prize. This book consists of the hardships and efforts that went behind these researches to solve the enigmatic cases in science. It provides the readers an account of scientists with great intellect, human ambitions, competitions, and rivalries.

Ideas and Opinions – Albert Einstein

Ideas and Opinions – Albert Einstein
Science Books By legendry Scientists – Ideas and Opinions – Albert Einstein

Ideas and Opinions is a compilation of his interviews, speeches, and articles covering his perspective and views regarding different fields ranging from Physics to philosophy and life in general. His ideas and thoughts are still relevant in this century. He had opinions about every topic and field and those were in a way invalid, rather they were as good as the experts of that time.

The Survival of the Wisest – Jonas Salk

Best Books Written by Scientists - The Survival of the Wisest - Jonas Salk
Best Books Written by Scientists – The Survival of the Wisest – Jonas Salk

Jonas Salk is the first developer of an effective polio vaccine. Salk explored his intellect and understanding to speculate the meta-biological evolution of human beings in this book, like some of his other research. He argues that man’s capability to gain knowledge on how to act is critically significant for survival and the development of the quality of human existence in general.

The Nature of Science, and Other Lectures – Edwin Powell Hubble

Science Books By legendry Scientists - The Nature of Science, and Other Lectures - Edwin Powell Hubble
Science Books By legendry Scientists – The Nature of Science, and Other Lectures – Edwin Powell Hubble

American astronomer Edwin Hubble made some significant contributions to the study of the universe, expansion of the universe, galaxies, and more. He was the first person to discover the spiral nebula. His work led to better comprehension and study of the size of the universe later in the world of science.

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