Renowned voice actress Arleen Sorkin, celebrated for her iconic portrayal of Harley Quinn, has passed away at the age of 67. The somber news was shared by DC co-head James Gunn on Instagram, where he paid tribute to Sorkin’s immense talent and her pivotal role in shaping the beloved character of Harley Quinn. Gunn’s heartfelt words echoed the sentiment felt by many who cherished Sorkin’s contribution to the world of entertainment.
Mark Hamill, known for his role as the Joker, also joined in commemorating Sorkin. In his tribute, he fondly remembered not only her remarkable skills but also her warm and genuine personality. Hamill expressed his gratitude for the privilege of working alongside her and being her friend. He extended his heartfelt condolences to Sorkin’s family and loved ones during this difficult time.
Beyond her legendary portrayal of Harley Quinn, Arleen Sorkin’s career spanned several decades and genres. She graced the screens of the NBC soap opera ‘Days of Our Lives’ from 1984 to 2010, embodying the character Calliope Jones. Her talent and versatility shone through as she embraced various roles.
Sorkin’s legacy was forever etched in history when she became the pioneering voice behind Harley Quinn in the acclaimed “Batman: The Animated Series” in 1992. This groundbreaking role not only showcased her exceptional voice acting but also played an instrumental role in bringing the character to life and endearing her to countless fans.
Commencing her television journey in 1982, Sorkin’s early appearances included a stint as a background actor on ‘Saturday Night Live’. Her career flourished, with notable roles in series such as ‘Open House’ (1989), ‘Dream On’ (1990), and ‘Perry Mason: The Case of the Killer Kiss’. Her talent extended beyond ‘Batman: The Animated Series’, as she continued to breathe life into Harley Quinn across various shows, including ‘Superman: The Animated Series’, ‘Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker’, ‘Gotham Girls’, ‘Justice League’, and ‘Static Shock’.
Though health challenges curtailed her recent acting endeavors, Arleen Sorkin’s impact on the entertainment world remains indelible. As fans and peers mourn her loss, they remember her as not only a gifted artist but also a cherished friend and colleague. Her memory will continue to live on through her contributions to the art form she loved dearly.
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