Being a leader is no mean feat. It means shouldering tremendous responsibility, taking the blame for wrongdoings along with the credit for success. Plus, it requires maintenance of your image, branding and marketing yourself and not just your company and in general, managing a whole lot of people. But there is no discipline in the world where books cannot help. Over time, many leaders have accumulated their learnings in books and may professionals have analyzed leaders who have done exceptionally well. This means that we have ready textbooks to help us get a hang of what leadership means. Here are 9 books that will make a strong leader out of you.

Leaders Eat Last by Simon Sinek

9 books that will make a strong leader out of you - Leaders Eat Last by Simon Sinek
9 books that will make a strong leader out of you – Leaders Eat Last by Simon Sinek

In this book, Sinek compares businesses to the Marine Corps and explains how both function best in an environment of support, safety and empathy. He also explains the role of leaders in upholding such an environment. Moreover, Sinek also applies evolutionary psychology and neurobiology to back up his points. This is the perfect book to learn more about team dynamics and how you can uplift people you work with to push them to give their best.

First, Break All The Rules by Marcus Buckingham

First, Break All The Rules by Marcus Buckingham
First, Break All The Rules by Marcus Buckingham

This is a remarkable case study of the eighty best managers in the world and what they do differently in order to be so successful. The thing about leadership is that it’s not just about doing, it is also about learning. And businessmen of any kind need tremendous learning from other entrepreneurs to do well so that they can improve upon others’ mistakes and learn from their strengths. This book helps you do that while teaching you to listen to yourself.

Leadershift by John Maxwell

9 books that will make a strong leader out of you - Leadershift by John Maxwell
9 books that will make a strong leader out of you – Leadershift by John Maxwell

The key to success in the dynamic world of modern times is not intelligence, strength or even social skills – it is adaptability. The ability to mould with changing times means the ability to stay ahead of time, which translates to success in the world. Using technical knowledge as well as basic knowledge, Maxwell breaks down the tenets of being adaptable for us. Leadershift helps people make changes to their own lives as well.

Start With Why by Simon Sinek

Start With Why by Simon Sinek
Start With Why by Simon Sinek

I know there is another book on this list by Simon Sinek, but he is so brilliant that I had to include this as well. This book is important because it is not about the process of becoming a good leader but about questioning your motives for becoming a leader in the first place. To him, curiosity and great intentions make the most successful people from The Golden Circle, wherein thought and action patterns are similar. Sinek breaks these down for us.

True North by Bill George

9 books that will make a strong leader out of you - True North by Bill George
9 books that will make a strong leader out of you – True North by Bill George

This book is not just about the general aspects of leadership that can be generalized to everyone but is personalized. There are self-assessment and self-discovery questionnaires at the end of every chapter, which will make you reflect on what kind of leader you are. In addition, the tone of the book is such that it will make you introspect. In other words, you will learn to find your “authentic self” as the subtitle proclaims.

Purple Cow by Seth Godin

Purple Cow by Seth Godin
Purple Cow by Seth Godin

This is a book about advertising and marketing but not just for products but for people too. In a world bombarded with products, only the unique ones stand out – such as the purple cow. But this is applicable to humans as well. The more distinctive you are, the more noticed you get. So this book is about grooming the parts of yourself that make you the most distinctive and unique. It’s about standing out because you were not born to fit in, as Dr Seuss says.

Humble Leadership by Edgar and Peter Schein

9 books that will make a strong leader out of you - Humble Leadership by Edgar and Peter Schein
9 books that will make a strong leader out of you – Humble Leadership by Edgar and Peter Schein

When we talk about leadership, we often talk about innovation, management and success. But an important part that forms the foundation of good leadership is being down to earth and rooted. Additionally, empathy and trust, which are crucial to any personal or professional relationship, are the things that keep people successful in the long run. In this book, the Scheins reveal the power of humility in businesses the world considers ruthless.

Leadership is an Art by Max DePree

Leadership is an Art by Max DePree
Leadership is an Art by Max DePree

This is a book that tackles leadership not just in the field of entrepreneurship but also in academia, medicine and politics because leadership is everywhere. DePree’s view on leadership is not controlling and guiding, but forming relationships, generating ideas and building a value system, as the synopsis mentions. Thus this book offers a blueprint of success in leadership not just through winning but also through absorbing and learning.

Primal Leadership by Daniel Goleman and others

9 books that will make a strong leader out of you - Primal Leadership by Daniel Goleman and others
9 books that will make a strong leader out of you – Primal Leadership by Daniel Goleman and others

One often overlooked aspect integral to brilliant entrepreneurship is emotional intelligence. This book dives deep into exactly that, highlighting the role that emotional intelligence plays in leadership. Diverging from the traditional entrepreneurial qualities of vision, strategy, and market knowledge and focusing on relationship management, intuitive understanding and team building.

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