7 Best Books about Hockey and Ice Hockey

7 best books about hockey and Ice Hockey
7 best books about hockey and Ice Hockey

Some people just to live to play – it happens to most of us while growing up, we dream of becoming like our favourite sportsperson, we imitate the way they run, hold the stick, throw the ball, and even their lifestyle. But very few of us continue with the dream and passion of becoming a sportsperson. In this article, we are going to read about the 7 best books about hockey and Ice Hockey.

The Ultimate Ice Hockey Trivia Book – Kieran Brown

7 Best Books about Hockey and Ice Hockey - The Ultimate Ice Hockey Trivia Book – Kieran Brown
7 Best Books about Hockey and Ice Hockey – The Ultimate Ice Hockey Trivia Book – Kieran Brown

This book is filled with ice hockey questions, more than 750 questions for the super fans out there to take a test of your knowledge of ice hockey. You can get to learn unique facts about NHL and hockey that are not known to all. This is also a perfect gift for a hockey fan.

Field Hockey – Christopher Malone

Field Hockey – Christopher Malone
Field Hockey – Christopher Malone

This book by Maloney will help you comprehend field hockey in its true sense, whether you are a player, coach, fan, umpire, or reporter – this book will guide you through the field. Even though it is not a rule book, this book gets updated annually with changes in the field rules.

We Ride Upon Sticks – Quan Barry

7 Best Books about Hockey and Ice Hockey - We Ride Upon Sticks – Quan Barry
7 Best Books about Hockey and Ice Hockey – We Ride Upon Sticks – Quan Barry

1989, Danvers Falcons are on an uncountable triumph streak. Barry beautifully weaves together the account of their journey and their path to the state championship. The readers will get to know the Danvers High School hockey team very intimately in this book.

The Game – Ken Dryden

The Game – Ken Dryden
The Game – Ken Dryden

This book by Dryden is regarded as one of the best hockey books of all time. He captures the essence of the game and what hockey means to all the fans. Dryden offers us vivid and affectionate portraits of Guy Lafleur, Serge Savard, Larry Robinson, Guy Lapointe, Scotty Bowman – that created the Canadiens of the 1970s, one of the greatest teams in the history of hockey. He offers the life, the ice, the spotlight, and a portrayal of an incredible memoir.

The Home Team – Roy MacGregor

7 Best Books about Hockey and Ice Hockey - The Home Team – Roy MacGregor
7 Best Books about Hockey and Ice Hockey – The Home Team – Roy MacGregor

In this book, MacGregor explores not only skating in the ice rink for the game of hockey but also explores the significant relationship hockey players have with their dads. He also shares his private stories which involve some of the greatest sportspersons – Mark Messier, Wayne Gretzky, Guy Lafleur, and Gordie Howe. This is a perfect gift for the sons and fathers of your family.

The Hockey Sweater – Roch Carrier

The Hockey Sweater – Roch Carrier
The Hockey Sweater – Roch Carrier

In the village of St. Justine, when Roch was a kid, winters were long. The only life that consisted was around the church, school, hockey rink, and during that time every boy’s hero was legend Maurice Richard. Everyone used to wear Richard’s No.9. They used to do the same hair as Richard, and lace their skates just like him. But when her mom bought a sweater from the rival team, how is Roch going to face the kids playing in the rink?

99 – Wayne Gretzky

7 Best Books about Hockey and Ice Hockey - 99 – Wayne Gretzky
7 Best Books about Hockey and Ice Hockey – 99 – Wayne Gretzky

Honestly, no one has ever been as intimate with the game as Wayne Gretzky. With his entrance into the NHL, he altered the league, and by the time he was off the skate, he had re-written the record book. We know and comprehend what Gretzky means to the game but with this game, we would get to know what the game means to him. We will get to know the feelings of his first experiences, the people who inspired him to go on and strengthen him.

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