5 Books You can Gift to Your Female Friends

5 books you can gift to your female friends
5 books you can gift to your female friends

It is not only about female friends, the fact that books are unending, but it is also hard to pick one and surmise that this will put a smile on the face of the receiver. Here is a list of 5 books you can gift to your female friends. It covers all themes of success, seeking peace, the purpose of life, and how to make your life worth living.

Eat, Pray, Love – Elizabeth Gilbert

5 Books You can Gift to Your Female Friends (Eat, Pray, Love)
5 Books You can Gift to Your Female Friends (Eat, Pray, Love)

When Gilbert was 30, despite having everything, a house, husband, and more, she was going through a mid-life crisis which made her suffer from panic and grief. She went through a divorce and also suffered from grave depression. To get over this devastating feeling and to know her better, Gilbert chose to quit her job and take a year-long trip across the globe all on her own. Eat, Pray, Love – this was the journal of the year. In Rome, she studied the Italian language and the art of pleasure. In India, she was engaged for four months with spiritual exploration and acts of devotion. And in Bali, she learned how to balance divine transcendence and universal enjoyment.

The Five People You Meet In Heaven – Mitch Albom

The Five People You Meet In Heaven
5 Books You can Gift to Your Female Friends (The Five People You Meet In Heaven)

Eddie, an old man, a war veteran who has pretty much lived his life in his mind in a bland way – his work is to repair the rides at a coast-based amusement park. In a devastating accident, he dies while protecting a small girl from falling off a cart. When he wakes up he realizes he is in his afterlife, where he gets to know that heaven is not a target goal or purpose of life. It is a place where the existence is elucidated to you by five individuals – some are probably known and some may have been strangers. One by one, from childhood to the workplace to old age – Eddie’s five individuals revisit their associations to him on the earth deciphering the purpose of life –Why was I here?

Who Will Cry When You Die? – Robin Sharma

5 Books You can Gift to Your Female Friends (Who Will Cry When You Die?)
5 Books You can Gift to Your Female Friends (Who Will Cry When You Die?)

Like all, do you want also want to swap that void feeling inside you and your life with a profound sense of peace, principle, and passion? Do you hope your life will not only be triumphant but noteworthy as well? So brace yourself because with this book by Robin Sharma you are going to find the deeper meaning and purpose of your life and eventually find the importance of it and how to make your life better every single day. This book offers 101 easy answers to life’s most infuriating challenges. He will help you to rebuild the feelings and emotions of fulfillment, happiness, and peace. Some of the precise lessons included in this book are – ‘Discover Your Calling’, ‘Live Fully So You Can Die Happy’, ‘See Your Troubles as Blessings’, and more.

The Secret – Rhonda Byrne

The Secret
5 Books You can Gift to Your Female Friends (The Secret)

This book contains wisdom from present-day scholars – men and women who have utilized it to receive wealth, health, and happiness. By using the learning of The Secret they bring forward persuasive tales of destroying disease, conquering obstacles, acquiring enormous prosperity, and getting what would be gazed at as unattainable by many.

You Can Win – Shiv Khera

5 Books You can Gift to Your Female Friends (You Can Win)
5 Books You can Gift to Your Female Friends (You Can Win)

This 1998 release has been translated into 16 different languages and has sold over 2 million copies worldwide. The Hindi title of this book is called ‘Jeet Aapki’. Shiv Khera is a renowned motivational speaker, business consultant, entrepreneur, educator, and activist. The book emphasizes the central idea of winning, how we all want to win and what it takes to be a winner. There are eleven chapters in this book and all of them give you ideas about triumph and satisfying life.

Also Read: The Choice is Yours: Books Can Only Guide You

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