5 Books To Increase Your Productivity

5 Books To Increase Your Productivity
5 Books To Increase Your Productivity

Ambition is not a bad thing. No matter what people might tell you, being driven gives a sense of fulfilment that nothing else does. Believing in yourself, choosing your goals, striving to reach them and revelling in your accomplishments (or getting over failures and restarting the proves) is a crucial part of life. Here is a list of 5 books to increase your productivity. These books will help you boost your productivity and get where you want to in life.

Getting Things Done by David Allen

5 Books To Increase Your Productivity - Getting Things Done
5 Books To Increase Your Productivity – Getting Things Done

The very name of this book screams creativity. In this book, Allen refrains from abstract advice and conclusions drawn in the air. He instead reveals secrets of novelty and technology that cause changes in work. He lays down his simple principle that stays true throughout these changes – the ability to relax. This may sound counterproductive, but Allen argues that the clarity of mind and peace that rest provides serves to enhance productivity.

The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod

The Miracle Morning
5 Books To Increase Your Productivity – The Miracle Morning

Let’s admit it – most of us are not morning people. We stay up at night, wake up late, get late to work, and struggle to get through the day. And this isn’t the ideal life – Erod makes it plenty clear. In this book, Erod provides us with a single morning routine – which he claims has the ability to transform your life. And the best part is, his morning routine takes only six minutes. His routine sets you in a mindset of productivity and gives you the inner peace you need to get through a work drenched day. It is definitely a game changer.

The Productivity Project by Chris Bailey

5 Books To Increase Your Productivity - The Productivity Project
5 Books To Increase Your Productivity – The Productivity Project

The art of productivity is basically the effective utilization of cognitive and material resources – time, energy, effort, attention and money. In this book, Bailey provides a comprehensive guide to accomplishing a lot by managing all of these. There are several important things this book talks about. They include slowing down and working deliberately, eliminating the unimportant, striving for imperfection, the twenty second rule, the rule of three and more. Plus, he also talks about productive procrastination – a novel and innovative concept. All in all, this is a holistic model of productivity that is both realistic and effective.

Deep Work by Cal Newport

Deep Work
5 Books To Increase Your Productivity – Deep Work

The world will provide distractions – you need to rise above them with focused attention to win focused success. In this book, Cal outlines the importance of being able to extract maximum understanding from a cognitively demanding task by focusing your mental energies on it. This will allow you to be more productive and work for less time but more intensity. In the first part of his book, he talks about exactly why a deep work ethic is an asset to any person belonging to any profession. Then, in the second part, he outlines a vigorous training program of sorts to enable you to develop that work ethic. Thus, through theory and practice, he cements your understanding and embodiment of focus.

The War of Art by Steven Pressfield

5 Books To Increase Your Productivity - The War of Art
5 Books To Increase Your Productivity – The War of Art

Productivity is not just about achieving through work, it is also about creativity. Struggling through creative and artistic blocks, being unable to be innovative and feeling lost when novel challenges are put forth is surprisingly common. Pressfield’s book offers ways to unleash your creative potential and be your most productive artistic self. Although he speaks specifically pertaining to art, this is generalizable to most areas and fields of life. Basically, it is a wise and effective guide to the process of creativity. He also includes a bit of philosophy and a Jungian deep dive into the psychology behind creativity.

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