10 Time Travel Books You Should Read As Sci-fi Fan

10 Time Travel Books You Should Read As Sci-fi Fan | Science Fiction Novels Based On Time Travel
10 Time Travel Books You Should Read As Sci-fi Fan

Time travel is one of the most intriguing and interesting subgenres of science fiction novels, mainly because it has so many possibilities to explore. And indeed, people written out of the world, ingenious stories related to time travel, which we’re going to explore today. Here we have listed down 10 time travel books you should read as sci-fi fan.

The Time Machine by HG Wells

Science Fiction Novels Based On Time Travel
Science Fiction Novels Based On Time Travel

If you’re a fan of science fiction, this shouldn’t even be a recommendation to you – you should have read it ages ago. This is the time travel classic by the father of science fiction himself, which follows our explorer as he travels in time to a futuristic age of the dying earth. Here he discovers weird races and even weirder objects, as he attempts to understand the future of the industrial civilization.

Kindred by Octavia Butler

10 Time Travel Books You Should Read As Sci-fi Fan
10 Time Travel Books You Should Read As Sci-fi Fan

A magnificent narrative that combines slave history, time travel and subjugation of women, Octavia Butler creates a story that is as heartrending as it is unforgettable. It chronicles the life of Dana who travels back in time and meets her ancestors who have borne the shunt of slavery. Aware of its repercussions in the present, she becomes intimately involved in the affair. All these elements (and more) make it a must read.

A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L’Engle  

Science Fiction Novels Based On Time Travel
Science Fiction Novels Based On Time Travel

This is the first book of the Time Quintet, which follows Meg and her brother Charles, who accompany a strange guest on an odyssey in time. This book weaves science dexterously and seamlessly with adventure, making this an even more exciting book. Not only dues she incorporate the magical elements of fantasy, but also tries to explain the time travel, which gives it the feel of an actual science book.

The Sound of Thunder by Ray Bradbury

10 Time Travel Books You Should Read As Sci-fi Fan
10 Time Travel Books You Should Read As Sci-fi Fan

This is a classic short story of five men who use a time machine to travel to the distant past. Here they meet dinosaurs and go on an adventure that changes the course of history as well. This short story is full of excitement and vigour, but also has a touch of humanism.

Ghost Country by Patrick Lee

Science Fiction Novels Based On Time Travel
Science Fiction Novels Based On Time Travel

This is the second of the Trevor Chase series picks up where the first left off. While the first deals primarily with elements of the apocalypse, this one talks about time travel, but both are thrillers with a separate defining plot of their own. In this, Paige looks seventy years into the future and becomes terrified.

Slaughterhouse-Five by Kurt  Vonnegut

10 Time Travel Books You Should Read As Sci-fi Fan
10 Time Travel Books You Should Read As Sci-fi Fan

In this sci fi classic, Bill Pilgrim journeys through time, after being haunted by the ghosts of the Dresden firebomb. Not only is this an elegant portrayal of time travel as a lot f sci fi books are, but also it is a reflection on the costs of war. It is an anti war novel, and it talks about the deplorable plight of those affected by war.

Tau Zero by Poul Anderson

Science Fiction Novels Based On Time Travel
Science Fiction Novels Based On Time Travel

This book follows a spaceship, captained by Leonara Christine, which odysseys through space to reach a planet 35 light years away. But because the ship will travel at a speed close to that of light, time will slow down for its passengers. It is this time-distance-speed relation that complicates things eventually, making the book an exemplar of science fiction and adventure fiction.

The End of Eternity by Isaac Asimov

10 Time Travel Books You Should Read As Sci-fi Fan
10 Time Travel Books You Should Read As Sci-fi Fan

Andrew Herlan, our protagonist, is an Eternal in thus AU sci fi, and his job us to journey through time to monitor and look after Time’s cause and effect relationships. If the plot isn’t awesome enough – Andrew falls in love with a Non-Eternal woman, complicating things. He now uses his powers for his own purposes, and there are sure to be consequences.

Here and Now and Then my Mike Chen

Science Fiction Novels Based On Time Travel
Science Fiction Novels Based On Time Travel

The story opens with Kin Steward, a regular man just like you and me. But his past career was illustrious – he was a time travel agent from 2142. And soon his recue team is at his doorstep to take him back into the future, although it is 18 years late. And now he must make a choice between the two worlds he inhabits. Intriguing, right?

An Ocean of Minutes by Thea Lim

10 Time Travel Books You Should Read As Sci-fi Fan
10 Time Travel Books You Should Read As Sci-fi Fan

In the cultches of a flu epidemic, America has a dying population. And when our protagonist Frank catches the flu, his girlfriend Polly must find a way to rescue him. So when she discovers that a company has invented time travel, she takes the chance. But the couple is separated in the course of the time travel, and both must navigate their new lives alone.

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