10 Superhero Characters from Comics with Weird Weakness

10 superhero characters from comics with weird weakness
10 superhero characters from comics with weird weakness

Superheroes are known for their amazing and interesting powers but here we are going to talk about 10 superhero characters from comics with weird weakness. And mind you these are no simple weakness. These are crazy weird weaknesses. So let’s dive right into the list and know which superhero has the most weird weakness.



Everyone knows about Superman’s weakness. You must be living under a rock if you don’t know that the superhero is scared of a piece of rock. Superman’s weakness is a piece of rock known as ‘Kryptonite’. The stone is said to be from his (Superman) planet. In the comics there have been countless encounters where villains and heroes have used the stone for their safety (from Superman). The comics has introduced many kinds or types of Kryptonite’s over the years but the green Kryptonite is believed to be most efficient against Superman.


10 Superhero Characters from Comics with Weird Weakness - Batman
10 Superhero Characters from Comics with Weird Weakness – Batman

Batman is perhaps the darkest superhero character across the universes (Marvel & DC). The superhero is known for his intelligence and mental toughness. Despite not having any superpowers, Batman is capable of defeating any super villain or hero with his tactics. But even the Bat has a weakness. The undefeatable hero gets defeated by his past and memories. Batman’s biggest weakness is his dark past and guilt. Over the period many villains have exploited this weakness of the Batman. 


10 Superhero Characters from Comics with Weird Weakness – Cyborg

Cyborg is a warhead and can cause total mayhem. He is a combination of advanced technology and also has a human side. Cyborg’s capabilities are unrealistic as his human mind is combined with the most advanced technology. But as they say your strengths and weaknesses are quite similar. And at times your strength becomes your biggest weakness. In Cyborg’s case technology is his biggest strength and source of power. But the same technology becomes his biggest enemy. If in some situation he allows too much technology to take over his body Cyborg may lose his human side forever.

Iron Man 

10 Superhero Characters from Comics with Weird Weakness - Iron Man 
10 Superhero Characters from Comics with Weird Weakness – Iron Man 

The rich Billionaire guy uses his wealth in the best way possible. The charismatic character when in his suit (armour) is a force that can take over any supervillain. With his resources and intelligence Iron Man has turned his suit into one of the most lethal weapons on the planet. But technology has its boundaries and so does the suit. Once out of power or battery the armour cum suit becomes more of a liability for Mr. Stark. However, with technology advancements the suit is filled with backup plans. But still the classic problem of low power (of suit) still remains Iron Man’s most weird but realistic problem and weakness.

Black Bolt

Black Bolt
10 Superhero Characters from Comics with Weird Weakness – Black Bolt

Black Bolt is considered one of the strongest creatures of the universe. The superhero can cause earthquakes and destruction just by whispering a few words here and there. His outcry and shouts can also destroy big cities with ease. But this Inhuman race superhero also has a weakness. The weakness many of you may have noticed in Doctor Strange’s latest venture (Multiverse of Madness). In this case also the strength accounts for the weakness. His mouth is his weakness, what if he’s unable to speak or shout.

Black Canary

Black Canary
Black Canary

This member of Justice League is heavily dependent upon her vocals. Her abilities of singing out loud and deadly vocals account for her primary powers. A sore throat is irritating and problematic for everyone but for her there is no bigger problem than a sore throat. Because this simple issue may result in losing her powers for her.


10 Superhero Characters from Comics with Weird Weakness - Zatanna
10 Superhero Characters from Comics with Weird Weakness – Zatanna

She is known for her mystical powers. Zatanna is a stage magician like her father. But possess mystical powers which she commands by invoking orders. So, by now you must have got the point that speaking and speech for superheroes is very important. Zatanna is no different from the previous heroes of the list. If unable or stopped from speaking the magician can no longer create magic. 



Now comes an Indian origin character. Superhero from Raj Comics. Nagraj is a powerful character who has literally powers of a snake combined with superhuman strength and sixth sense. He is Raj Comics strongest character. But this superhero can’t stand music of “The Pungi” (Also called the been, or bin is a wind instrument played by snake charmers in India. The pungi was originally developed as an Indian folk music).

Martian Manhunter

10 Superhero Characters from Comics with Weird Weakness - Martian Manhunter
10 Superhero Characters from Comics with Weird Weakness – Martian Manhunter

Martian Manhunter is an extremely powerful DC character. The superhero comes from Mars and when talking in terms of powers he’s a combination of his Justice league counterparts Batman and Superman. Martian can do almost every trick available in the book of superheroes. He has the powers of shapeshifting, telepathy, invisibility and possesses superhuman strength. But has one weakness that comes from his past (Mars). He is scared of flames and fire. It takes him back to the memories of his planet’s destruction. Where his whole family died of burning. This makes Martian Manhunter very uncomfortable and weak.



Another hero, another problem. But this time it’s not mouth or voice. Now we have moved to different sense organs. Cyclops has his powers stored in his eyes in the form of dangerous flames and beams which can cause destruction. The mutant literally shoots from his eyes with the help of his special glasses which control his powers. But what happens when the X leader of X-Men breaks or loses his glasses, the mutant loses his control over his powers and is unable to aim & shoot at targets.

Also Read: Top 10 Cosmic Characters In Marvel Comics

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