10 Marvel characters Superman can defeat in a single blow

10 Marvel characters Superman can defeat in a single blow
10 Marvel characters Superman can defeat in a single blow

Superman is the epitome of  godly powers and strength. The DC superhero possesses extraordinary powers and is an ultimate powerhouse. The superhero never shies away from flexing his muscle power and is known for his incredible strength. Superman often showcases his extraordinary strength by lifting cars, trains and even planes for fun. The early editions of the DC comics have depicted (several times) the brut and unreal strength of the superhero. Where he’s seen doing crazy stuff and playing with or lifting humongous objects. At times the superhero also gets playful with goons and criminals. If Superman gets playful with the Marvel superheroes or characters, he can just manhandle any Marvel Universe character at will and for doing so a single blow of Superman is more than enough for the MCU heroes. So, here is a list of 10 Marvel characters Superman can defeat in a single blow.


10 Marvel characters Superman can defeat in a single blow - Spider-Man
10 Marvel characters Superman can defeat in a single blow – Spider-Man

The first name in our list is Spider-Man. The super cool and lovable Marvel superhero hardly stands any chance of winning a 1 to 1 battle against Superman. Parker’s powers are nowhere near Superman’s powers. Forget about winning, if Spider-Man can even stand for a few minutes Infront of Superman that will be a sort of achievement for Spidey. The DC legend can destroy Spider-Man within seconds. Even a single blow of Superman will be more than enough for defeating Spider in the battle field.

Captain America

Captain America
Captain America

Next on the list is the Avengers leader and Marvel’s main man ‘Captain America’. The face off between Captain America and Superman is something that can excite anyone. It has all the elements of creating hype and buzz in the masses. But unfortunately the battle won’t last long as the superhuman won’t stand a chance against the ultimate superhero. Captain may be very powerful & strong but his strength is not even the tip of the iceberg in front of Superman. Superman can crush the pride of Marvel within seconds.

Black Widow

10 Marvel characters Superman can defeat in a single blow - Black Widow
10 Marvel characters Superman can defeat in a single blow – Black Widow

Black Widow is a great warrior, she fights and fights hard. The superhero has somewhat a never give up attitude when in combat or battle. But there are few things that are far beyond her abilities and capabilities. One of those things is: going on 1 on 1 fight against Superman. Marvel’s spy superhero/superheroine is no match for DC’s powerhouse. Even Superman’s blow can be brutal for Black Widow.



When facing Superman how can Hawkeye leave his friend (Black Widow) and team member alone. But the master archer’s efforts will go in drain as his arrows and combat skills will be of no use. Hawkeye can only rely on Superman’s mercy for his life. As it would be a super easy task for Superman to get rid of this Avengers team member. 


10 Marvel characters Superman can defeat in a single blow - Rocket
10 Marvel characters Superman can defeat in a single blow – Rocket

Next Marvel character who will witness its due fate by the hands of Superman (or shall we say a single blow of air) is the cute and cunning Marvel character ‘Rocket’. No doubt that Rocket is a very cunning being and knows how to get out of problems. But if Superman decides to take on this cute creature, it will definitely mark the end of his journey. There will be no escaping for Rocket as even a single blow of air by Superman can be fatal.

Winter Soldier

Winter Soldier
Winter Soldier

I mean if Captain himself can’t face Superman. Then how will his old friend (Winter Soldier) and partner face the superhero. Winter Soldier is a skilled soldier with few superhuman abilities but that won’t serve the purpose when facing an extremely powerful character like Superman.

Nick Fury

10 Marvel characters Superman can defeat in a single blow - Nick Fury
10 Marvel characters Superman can defeat in a single blow – Nick Fury

Nick Fury isn’t a typical superhero but is a very efficient individual in war or battle situations. His skills and past experiences (as a spy, detective and agent) makes him a tough competition for any opponent. But Superman is not a part of that list, for him defeating Fury isn’t a tough task at all. Walking over Nick Fury would be cake walk for him.



The Guardian of Galaxy team member and leader is a skilled combat fighter. Star-Lord has faced many dangerous and powerful opponents over the period. The hero has been able to cross all the obstacles and challenging situations. Star-Lord is the savior of the universe but won’t be able to survive if Superman comes in front of him.


10 Marvel characters Superman can defeat in a single blow - Daredevil
10 Marvel characters Superman can defeat in a single blow – Daredevil

Superman won’t harm the Daredevil as he serves the society and fights against injustice. But if things go wrong and the duo come face to face then things won’t be great for this Marvel superhero. Known for his superhuman abilities and senses, Daredevil won’t stand a single chance against Superman.

Iron Man

Iron Man
Iron Man

The last name in our list is MCU’s Billionaire Superhero ‘Iron Man’. Tony can take on any opponent all thanks to his super special suit (armor) and his wealth & intelligence. He has faced numerous strong opponents and has emerged victorious in most of the cases. But this time he will be against the epitome of power and strength ‘Superman’. Even Iron Man’s suit will be of no use when he’ll be facing a power like Superman. It’s very unlikely that Mr. Stark would be able to save himself in a combat situation against Superman. 

Also Read: DC Comics Characters With Dark History/Past

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