10 Best Green Arrow Trick Arrows in DC Comics

Explore the 10 Best Green Arrow Trick Arrows that have helped him save the day and outsmart his adversaries in the world of DC Comics.
10 Best Green Arrow Trick Arrows in DC Comics

Green Arrow, the bow-wielding hero of DC Comics, is renowned for his arsenal of trick arrows. These ingenious arrows are essential tools in his crime-fighting endeavors. From explosive arrows to net-shooting ones, Green Arrow’s trick arrows are versatile and iconic. In this list, we explore the 10 Best Green Arrow Trick Arrows that have helped him save the day and outsmart his adversaries in the world of DC Comics. Each arrow serves a unique purpose, showcasing Green Arrow’s resourcefulness and tactical brilliance.

Atom Arrow

10 Best Green Arrow Trick Arrows in DC Comics - Atom Arrow
10 Best Green Arrow Trick Arrows in DC Comics – Atom Arrow

In the world of superheroes, team-ups are a fan favorite. Green Arrow once came up with a brilliant idea called the “Atom Arrow.” This arrow allowed his friend Ray Palmer, also known as the Atom, to shrink down to a tiny size and hitch a ride on it. This way, Ray could sneak up on bad guys and take them by surprise.

Marvel liked this idea so much that they used it for Ant-Man later on. It goes to show that even simple arrows can become legendary with a touch of inspiration. This clever invention happened in “The Brave and the Bold #130” by Bob Haney and Jim Aparo.

Kryptonite Arrow

Kryptonite Arrow
Kryptonite Arrow

In the comic “The Dark Knight Returns,” Batman faces off against a government-controlled Superman. To level the playing field, Batman devises a clever plan. He enlists the help of his friend Green Arrow, who uses a Kryptonite Arrow, a rare substance deadly to Superman, to weaken the Man of Steel.

This was the first time Green Arrow intentionally used such an arrow, showing that even non-superpowered heroes like him can take on powerful foes. It’s a pivotal moment where brains triumph over brawn, and it all happens in “Batman: The Dark Knight Returns #4” by Frank Miller and Klaus Janson.

Phantom Zone Arrow

10 Best Green Arrow Trick Arrows in DC Comics - Phantom Zone Arrow
10 Best Green Arrow Trick Arrows in DC Comics – Phantom Zone Arrow

The Phantom Zone Arrow is a highly dangerous trick arrow in Green Arrow’s arsenal. Interestingly, it was originally created by Superman for unknown purposes. However, it ended up in the hands of Roy Harper, a close ally of Green Arrow.

Roy then passed it on to Mia Dearden, the new Speedy, who used it against Superboy-Prime. Although Green Arrow himself never used this arrow, it remains a part of his collection. This arrow has the power to banish anyone it hits into the dreaded Phantom Zone, making it one of the most formidable trick arrows in Green Arrow’s extensive history.

Handcuff Arrow

Handcuff Arrow
Handcuff Arrow

Green Arrow’s Handcuff Arrow is a clever solution to dealing with criminals. Unlike Batman, who often has to chase down wrongdoers and physically detain them, Green Arrow has a more efficient method. He wields an arrow equipped with handcuffs at the tip.

This versatile arrow can restrain individuals by their wrists or ankles, or even secure them to objects like a nearby streetlamp. With this trick arrow, Green Arrow can swiftly immobilize criminals, making crime-fighting a lot easier for him. It showcases his resourcefulness in tackling lawbreakers in his own unique way.

Sleeping Gas Arrow

10 Best Green Arrow Trick Arrows in DC Comics - Sleeping Gas Arrow
10 Best Green Arrow Trick Arrows in DC Comics – Sleeping Gas Arrow

When facing overwhelming odds, Green Arrow relies on his trusty Sleeping Gas Arrow. Whether it’s a riot or a horde of criminals, this arrow does the job. He simply shoots it at the ground or into the crowd, and within seconds, they all fall asleep.

A clever trick Green Arrow often employs is firing the arrow at someone who will catch it, releasing the gas in their face and rendering them unconscious. This ingenious arrow made its debut in the Golden Age and remains a staple in Green Arrow’s arsenal, as seen in Adventure Comics #132 by George Papp.

Flashbang Arrow

Flashbang Arrow
Flashbang Arrow

In moments when Green Arrow needs a quick getaway or some space to breathe, he relies on the Flashbang Arrow. With a precise shot, it creates a blinding flash and deafening noise, disorienting anyone nearby.

This handy arrow has become a recurring favorite in various media adaptations of Green Arrow’s adventures, from comics to TV. Its ability to dazzle and distract makes it an essential tool in Green Arrow’s arsenal, as showcased in Green Arrow/Black Canary #28 by Andrew Kreisberg and Mike Norton.

Foam Arrow

10 Best Green Arrow Trick Arrows in DC Comics - Foam Arrow
10 Best Green Arrow Trick Arrows in DC Comics – Foam Arrow

Green Arrow’s trick arrows are all about versatility, and the Foam Arrow is a prime example. This ingenious arrow serves dual purposes, making it a valuable tool in his quiver. It can incapacitate foes by enveloping them in foam, rendering them helpless.

On the flip side, it’s a lifesaver – literally. The Foam Arrow acts as a safety cushion, preventing disaster by cushioning falls, stopping runaway vehicles, or providing a soft landing. Jeff Lemire and Mike McKone brought this clever invention to life in Justice League United #0. Green Arrow’s ability to adapt his arrows for offense and rescue sets him apart as a resourceful hero.

Microphone Arrow

Microphone Arrow
Microphone Arrow

In the world of vigilantes, information is power, and Green Arrow knows it well. His clever invention, the Microphone Arrow, is all about staying informed. Originally known as the “Listening-In-Arrow” and later as the Microphone Arrow after its debut in World’s Finest Comics #56, this gadget allows Green Arrow to eavesdrop effortlessly.

He can simply aim, shoot the arrow, and instantly overhear conversations in the area. This nifty trick arrow, created by George Papp in 1952, ensures that Green Arrow is always one step ahead, making him a formidable detective in the world of crime-fighting.

Boxing Glove Arrow

10 Best Green Arrow Trick Arrows in DC Comics - Boxing Glove Arrow
10 Best Green Arrow Trick Arrows in DC Comics – Boxing Glove Arrow

The iconic Boxing Glove Arrow is a fan favorite in Green Arrow’s arsenal. Introduced in Adventure Comics #118 by Ed Herron and George Papp in 1947, it has stood the test of time. While not always the most practical, it remains a symbol of Green Arrow’s inventive heroism.

Oliver Queen, the archer behind the arrow, once explained that he created it because sometimes he needs to punch someone who’s far away. This non-lethal yet legendary arrow has even received modern upgrades, ensuring its continued relevance. It’s a unique and fun addition to Green Arrow’s trick arrows, cherished by fans and a staple in his crime-fighting legacy.

EMP Arrow

EMP Arrow
EMP Arrow

Within the world of comics, facing high-tech adversaries can be challenging for an archer like Green Arrow. However, he’s prepared with the EMP Arrow, a powerful tool featured in Green Arrow #22 by Jeff Lemire and Andrea Sorrentino. This arrow is a game-changer, capable of instantly disabling or even destroying technology within a defined radius.

In a world where encounters with rogue cyborgs and advanced armor are commonplace, the EMP Arrow proves invaluable. It showcases Green Arrow’s adaptability in dealing with modern threats and is a testament to his resourcefulness in taking on technologically superior foes.

Also Read: Green Arrow vs Hawkeye Who Would Win The Battle of Archers

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