Be it a superhero or an ordinary person. Looks and appearance do matter. As it’s the first thing any one notices. Especially in the case of a comics character, looks and appearance can be the make or break moment for the character. Even before a character starts its journey, the looks, the costume & the overall appearance is judged and an opinion is formed about the superhero. Most of the time the first impression remains as the last impression in the minds of the masses. This is the reason there is so much time and effort given for finalizing a character’s appearance and dressing style. We have seen numerous superheroes and their unique costumes & appearances. At times the superheroes are even relaunched or given rebirth by comic book publishers for enhancing and upgrading characters’ look & appearance. So, here we bring a list of 10 best dressed Superheroes in Comics.
10 Best Dressed Superheroes in Comics

The first name in our list is the God of Thunder and savior of Asgard and Earth. There is no chance that someone can compete with the God from Asgard. The superhero has a godly presence and appearance in the comics. With long hairs, muscular body paired with his accessories makes Thor a stand out character in the comics world when it comes to looks and dressing. Definitely the God of Thunder ‘Thor’ is one of the best dressed comics characters out there

The mysterious, intense vigilante Bat enters our list. Batman’s look and appearance is an all time classic. The dark character’s costume, mask, personality everything has been a class apart. All his appearances over the years have been loved by the masses. The main reason for the success of the Bat’s look and dressing is his personality and the never ending mystery & darkness around his character. Over a time the character has seen little changes in his costume and appearance, here and there but the soul has remained the same. And there can’t be any reason to not add the Bat in any list of best dressed superheroes.

When we talk about the Bat, how can we forget about his love interest ‘Catwoman’. Selina Kyle (Catwoman’s alter ego) has to be on the list. The diva can take down any one with her beauty. The expert burglar and super skilled martial artist can bully anyone on will. Even the Bat couldn’t resist the deadly charm of Catwoman. With all her other personality traits and skills the character is also known for her looks & style amongst the fans.

Spiderman is perhaps the most celebrated superhero of marvel comics. The character has been able to turn every venture into a blockbuster. Be it video games, animated series, movies or comics. The superhero has an unmatched craze amongst the comic book lovers and Superhero fans. One of the main reasons for the character’s grand success has been his refreshing looks and style. His refreshing, casual but cool looks & appearance has helped Spiderman in creating a connection with the younger generation.
Black Widow

Next on the list is Natasha, the S.H.I.E.L.D agent has one of the best, classic but stylized looks in the Marvel Universe. This Avenger team member is a highly skilled and efficient spy. A master in combat skills too. The character’s look has always been the talk of the town. Black Widow is a perfect example of beauty with brains, topped with great dressing sense.
Iron Man

When talking about best dressed superheroes, how can we forget the Billionaire businessman Tony Stark aka Iron Man. In or out of his armour the man is a true charmer. The character has been one of the female’s favourites from his debut in comics. When it comes to style and dressing the man knows all the tricks in the book. His personality and charm adds up to his overall appearance.
Wonder Woman

Next on the list is perhaps the most iconic female Superhero (Superheroine) in the comics universe. Wonder Woman is one of the oldest and most popular female comic book characters out there. The Superheroine is also known for her iconic costume and accessories. Wonder Woman’s iconic costume is an evergreen, timeless piece in comics history. With no to little changes it has stood the test of time. The Amazonian is definitely one of the best dressed female characters in comics.
Dr Strange

This may come as a surprise for few. The comics version of Strange may not be the most handsome man out there but the wizard has always had his own unique appearance and costume. Doctor Strange is a strangely but well dressed superhero. And his uniqueness makes him a perfect candidate for this list.
Captain America

Another Avenger on the list but this time it’s the captain himself. How can the leader shy away when his team is bringing on the heat. Captain America has been a landmark character for Marvel. It is one of the most iconic and legendary Marvel Comics characters. The Superhero’s dress and shield has been one of the most iconic attires in the comics world. A perfectly well built man with a great costume and of course the skills. Captain America is a sure shot on this list.

The last name on our list is a synonym to Superheroes and arguably the greatest figure in comics history ‘Superman’. Everything about the superhero is iconic. From his legendary rend & blue costume, to his cape and even his hairstyle. With time the character may have seen a bit of a hit on his popularity. But there is no denying that his fandom is still intact. So is his style and dressing sense. Superman’s legendary appearance and style can’t be overlooked.
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