Politics is something you learn and gain from your experience and the lessons you grew up with. But, politics is not only about supporting a political party, politics is present everywhere – workplace, online, everywhere. So, in this article, we are going to read about 10 Best books about political strategy and tactics which also includes lessons and notions of ground-breaking figures.
10 Best Books about Political Strategy and Tactics:
Righteous Indignation – Andrew Breitbart
Breitbart in Righteous Indignation talks about his early years while he was working with Matt Drudge, the Huffington Post, and how he developed his extraordinary style of launching key websites to help the conservatives all over.
Trust Me, I’m Lying – Ryan Holiday
The holiday is a media strategist and in this book, he is going to teach you how to control blogs. He will elucidate how the media thing works. Holiday does not want the readers to get blindsided by the lies spread by reckless journalists, indirect bribes that some blogs take, and more.
The 48 Laws of Power – Robert Greene
The authors have purified three thousand years of the history of power into as the title suggests, 48 laws of essential power by drawing philosophies from Carl Von Clausewitz, Machiavelli, and Sun Tzu and also from the lives of people like P. T. Barnum, Henry Kissinger, and more.
What Is to Be Done? – Vladimir Lenin
In the year 1901, Vladimir Lenin argues that the working class will not impulsively become political just by going through economic battles with employers over working hours and wages. To alter the working class to Marxism, Lenin insists the Marxist leaders form a political party of dedicated revolutionaries to spread the Marxist political notions among the people.
Power and Struggle – Gene Sharp
Power and Struggle by Gene Sharp is a rigorous analysis of political strength, demonstrating that it draws from sources in society. It shows how the power of the dictators can also be ruined by the withdrawal of essential sources of cooperation.
New Libertarian Manifesto – Samuel Edward Konkin III
This book by Konkin III is short and authentic, and it will push libertarianism in the correct direction, which is towards non-statism and agorism. He explains how we can peacefully put an end to the legalized theft of the masses also known as taxation and thus reside in a truly peaceful society.
The 33 Strategies of War – Robert Greene
This book is abundantly illustrated with instances from history, including the genius and folly of great figures such as Napoleon, Margaret Thatcher, Lord Nelson, Shaka the Zulu, Hannibal, and more. The 33 strategies of war also offer psychological ammunition you would require to overpower patterns of failure and forever achieve the upper hand.
This is an Uprising – Mark Engler, Paul Engler
With incisive from contemporary activists and fresh revelations regarding the revolutionary people such as Martin Luther King Jr, Mahatma Gandhi, Frances Fox Piven, Gene Sharp, the Englers present how people with very little resources and conventional influence are building the turmoil that is giving the contemporary politics a new shape.
SJWs Always Double Down – Vox Day
This book by Vox Day is a much-needed guide if you want to comprehend, anticipate and survive the SJW attacks as it is coming from the man who has not only endured, but thrived, after going through several attempts by Social Justice Warriors to disgrace, prohibit, and fire him in the similar way they have triumphantly attacked technology CEOs, school principals, sports commentators, Nobel Laureates, and more.
Blueprint for Revolution – Srdja Popovic, Matthew Miller

Blueprint for Revolution will teach you how to pay your opponent’s strongest cards against them, identify your power to shift the balance of control, start small and dream big, listen to people to utilize their needs in your revolutionary vision, utilize humor to get heard, recognize your allies, and visualize your opponents as your potential partners.
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