What is Wonder Woman’s Weakness | 7 Weaknesses of Wonder Woman: Diana Prince aka Wonder Woman is one of the most iconic and recognizable female superheroes of all time. She is known for her incredible strength, speed, and fighting abilities. However, like all superheroes, Wonder Woman also has her weaknesses. Today we will explore 7 of Wonder Woman’s weaknesses and how they have been portrayed in comics, movies, and TV shows over the years. From her vulnerability to bullets to her emotional weaknesses, this article will delve into the complexities of one of the most beloved female superheroes of all time. So do read on to learn more about the Amazonian warrior.
What is Wonder Woman’s Weakness | 7 Weaknesses
Guns and Other Melee Weapons

Wonder Woman is not invincible, as evidenced by her vulnerability to bullets. Throughout her comic book history, there are many instances where she is forced to block bullets with her gauntlets, dating back to the Silver Age. For example, in Wonder Woman #21, Diana is shot and injured by a barrage of bullets, leading her to ask Steve Trevor to retaliate against the soldiers attacking them. Similarly, weapons such as swords, spears, arrows, and daggers can also harm her. This is why Wonder Woman has dedicated herself to training in armed combat, to prepare for battles against melee fighters. An instance of this weakness is highlighted in “Wonder Woman Odyssey”, where she is hit by a shower of arrows, despite her efforts to block them, the arrows still pierces her arms and chest, showcasing that even the Amazonians are not invincible.
The Lasso of Truth

The Lasso of Truth, also known as Wonder Woman’s portable lie detector test, is a powerful tool wielded by the Amazonian warrior. This magical cord, when tied around a person, compels them to speak the truth and nothing but the truth. But what happens when Wonder Woman herself is on the receiving end of the lasso’s power? As proven in Wonder Woman #219, even the powerful goddess of war is not immune to the lasso’s mysterious magic. This issue shows Diana of Themyscira being bound by the lasso by a group of male supremacists, highlighting the fact that the Lasso of Truth does not discriminate in who it compels to speak the truth.

Wonder Woman, like all living creatures on Earth, is not immune to the passage of time and will eventually pass away. Her own mortality is her greatest weakness, as her lifespan, although longer than an average human due to her demigod status, is still limited. Despite her immense strength, she cannot outrun the inevitability of aging and death. As the saying goes, time catches up to us all, and this applies even to a powerful god of war like Wonder Woman. The only question is when this will happen.

Wonder Woman’s bracelets serve a dual purpose, not only do they protect her from bullets, but they also act as a means of controlling her immense power. These gauntlets were originally created as a reminder of the Amazons’ past as slaves but were re-imagined in the New 52 comics to hold back her true divine energy. This makes her weaker in battle, especially when facing powerful adversaries such as Doomsday or Darkseid. Thus, in a way, the bracelets act as a hindrance to her full potential.

Like her JL teammate “Superman”, Wonder Woman is also vulnerable to psychotropic drugs and hallucinogens. Despite being deemed the next God of War in the New 52 comics, she can still be affected by these substances just like a normal human. This makes her a vulnerable target for villains such as Scarecrow. This is evident in the video game Injustice 2, where Wonder Woman is subjected to Scarecrow’s fear toxin, causing her to experience a hallucination where Superman, her love, turns against her and attacks her with his heat vision. Though in this game she is portrayed as a villain, she eventually overcomes the illusion and confronts Scarecrow for exploiting her deepest fears.

Wonder Woman is a humanoid being, meaning she can also be affected by poisoning if the right substance is used in the right quantity. In the story “Justice League: Doom,” Batman decides to take out the founding members of the Justice League and chooses poisoning as the method to eliminate Wonder Woman. Later on, Cheetah also uses the same poison on Diana during a battle.
Bondage By Men

Wonder Woman was created as an allegory for the philosophy of William Moutlon Marston on power dynamics in human relationships. Marston believed that comics were an effective medium for communicating his ideas to young people. Therefore, the early adventures of Wonder Woman, also known as Diana Prince, are replete with references to domination and bondage, as seen in the stories of the Amazons reforming corrupt CEOs through such means. This also means that one of Wonder Woman’s early weaknesses was being tied up by a man. Whenever this occurred, she would fall under a “spell” and become submissive to her captor’s will.