Here we have mentioned Top 10 Japanese Gods and Goddesses.
Amaterasu is often regarded as the Japanese Goddess of Rising Sun and queen of heaven. The Imperial Family of Japan claims to have descended from her.
Tsukuyomi is the “Moon God” according to Japanese mythology. This god is believed to be born from Izanagi when he washed his right eye.
She is one of the seven gods of luck. She is believed to be a form or manifestation of Goddess Saraswati (Hindu Goddess).
Kannon is the most famous bodhisattva in Japan. In Japanese mythology, Kannon is believed to be the Goddess of compassion and mercy.
Ebisu is also a part of the seven lucky gods. He is also referred to as the God of Fisherman. His figure is depicted as a smiling person who’s happy.
According to Japanese mythology, Susanoo is the God of Sea. He is also considered as the god of lighting, thunder and storms.
He is known as the God of Fire in the Japanese myths. Kagutsuchi is also hailed by blacksmiths and people who work with fire.
According to the Japanese mythology Izanagi one of the creators of Japan. The divine god is also considered the founder of marriage.
Bishamonten is the warrior god who protects the Buddhist temples and the worshippers. He’s a part of the seven gods of luck but is the only lucky god who’s associated with war.
He is the god of luck and fortune. In the Japanese culture, it’s believed that he brings good fortune and prosperity in the island nation.