DC Superheroes Who Are Stronger Than Hulk: No matter if you prefer the movies, the comics, or both, we can all agree that the Hulk is the most powerful character.
The most famous superhero in DC is Kal-El, also known as Clark Kent or Superman. The Kansas-born Man of Steel is the greatest of the best.
Spectre can defeat the Hulk because of his frequently approaching power level, which borders on omnipotence.
Captain Atom, a 1960 creation from the Charlton Comics line that DC subsequently absorbed, was originally Nathaniel Adam, a test pilot.
In order to ensure that his battle with the Hulk is quick, Shazam can simultaneously summon the might of Atlas, the bravery of Achilles, and the strength of Zeus.
Apollo was created in the Wildstorm reality before it was fully incorporated into DC’s main chronology after the occurrences of Flashpoint.
Ganthet is one of the most ancient and potent beings in the world because he is the Guardian of the Universe, one of the Green Lantern Corps’ immortal founders.
Sodam Yat comes from the planet Daxam, which had been settled by several Kryptonians who wanted to learn more about the cosmos.
Power Girl, also known as Kara or Karen Starr, is an alternate-universe cousin of Kal-El who came to Earth from a dying Krypton when Clark was still an adolescent.