5 Books to Reconnect With Friends and Family

5 Books to Reconnect With Friends and Family

Relationships are important: Here’s a list of 5 Books to Reconnect With Family And Friends.

The Relationship Cure

The Relationship Cure

In this book, the doctorate holder Gottman talks about the emotional connection that humans, irrespective of their social relationship share.

He lays down exactly what it comprises, and tells us what key aspects it is made up of. Additionally, he also tells us how to ‘bid’ for emotional connection

Making Conversation

Making Conversation

This book is for business and relationships alike. This is because whether professional or personal, all relationships hinge on the fundamental aspect of conversation.

One of the main ways to establish emotional connections that transcend time and last long is to have healthy and interactive conversations.

Connect by David Bradford

Connect by David Bradford

One can argue that relationships form the very basis of human life because humans are social animals.

This book details ways to find a great way to form lasting relationships based on a genuine, transformative emotional connection.

Listen Like You Mean It

Listen Like You Mean It

Most people talk way more than they listen. The meaning of this is that people love conversation centred around themselves.

They find it boring to listen to what others have to say because they lack attention and interest. But not listening to others is a form of ignoring the ad cam have a serious impact.

The 5 love languages

The 5 love languages

Even though this book is about romantic relationships, it can basically be generalized to all forms of relationships.

In this, Gary Chapman lays down the different types of ways in which people convey and express their love. Based on these ways she categorizes people into types.