So, here is a list of the 10 most popular Comic Book Superheroes of All Time.
The first name in our list of most popular comic book superheroes is Batman. The dark justice seeking detective has been a fan favorite for the masses.
Superman is arguably the biggest superhero in the comics universe. DC’s posterboy has established himself as the synonym of Superheroism and is considered an epitome of superpowers and supremacy.
Wolverine is one of the most popular and successful comics characters of all time. Without any hesitation ‘Wolverine’ can be crowned as the biggest comic book hero of Marvel Comics.
The 4th superhero on our list is Spider-Man, if the ranking was about top heroes of the current times then definitely Spidey would have been on the top 2 or maybe even on the first spot.
The Amazonian (Wonder Woman) is arguably the oldest and perhaps the most iconic female superhero character in the comics world.
Captain America is one of the oldest superheroes of Marvel Comics. For ages Captain America has been a central and prominent figure in Marvel Comics and has also led the elite & famous team of Superheroes ‘Avengers’.
A genius humble scientist turning into a Green Monster whenever losing his temper, made the crux of a storyline that would become one of the greatest storylines in the comics world.
Deadpool can be termed as the most weird and crazy superhero in the mainstream. Initially when Deadpool appeared for the first time, very few would have thought that the character would reach such highs.
Hellblazer aka John Constantine is an England based detective and working-class magician who performs black magic & occult. The occult specialist can go to any extent to get his work done.
The last name to honor our list of most popular comic book superheroes is Stan Lee’s brain child and the leader of the Fantastic Four ‘Mister Fantastic’.