A hero is as good as the villain is. So let’s talk about the 10 Monsters of Greek Mythology.
Typhon is described as the father of all monsters. It’s said that if he stood his head could touch the stars. According to many sources he had 100 dragon heads.
Cerberus was the guard dog of Hade’s. He was a missive three-headed dog who used to guard the entrance of the underworld.
Medusa is also known as Gorgons, is one of the most famous Monstrous characters of Greek Mythology. She is generally depicted with snakes on her head in place of normal hairs.
He was a Greek Mythology Monster who had the body of a Human but the head of a bull. He is described as one part of man and one part of a bull.
Hydra was a water monster. The monster had a dangerous venom and ability to regrow. It’s said that when one head of the creature was cut, two heads grew in place.
The Sphinx was a weird creature. It had the head of a woman, the body of a lion and wings of an eagle. This creature was confronted by Oedipus.
They were giants born from Gaia, the earth. These creatures were known for their strength. They had just one eye which popped out of their foreheads.
These are not normal birds, which we all feed. They are the real monsters who live under the rock. They are often referred to as the sea monsters.
The Chimera was another weird creature with the “body and head” of a lion. A goat head also popped out from the back of this creature, and had a snake in place of the tail.
She can be a nightmare for anyone as she can transform into a creature with sharp teeth, flaming hairs and bat wings.