Now let’s talk about what the 10 Heads of Ravana teaches us ten things not to keep in mind.
The first head signifies ‘Kama’. Lust can be listed as one of the biggest enemies of an individual. Most of the religious texts and mythologies have also depicted lust as a dangerous habit.
Ravana’s second head signifies anger. It’s said that anger can destroy everything, even the good deeds of a person. Anger can also be utilized for motivation and doing productive work.
‘Moha’ or delusion is something that can change our whole existence and personality. Sometimes we are too caught up in our own reality or bubble and forget about the actual reality of the world.
The fourth head signifies ‘Lobha’ which means greed. Greed is an appetite which can never be satisfied. So when someone has a surge of greed, the person ends up in a state of unhappiness.
Ravana’s fifth head signifies ‘Mada’ which means pride. Pride is not a bad thing. It is a sense of joy and pleasure which comes after achieving something.
Next head signifies ‘Maatsarya’ which means envy. The emotion of envy makes a person crave for what others have
Intellect is very important in life. But an intellect which can’t show you the right path and the difference between good & bad is of no use.
‘Manas’ (a sanskrit word) has no exact word in the English language but can be closely associated with ‘mind’. It somewhat signifies the part of our consciousness which makes us different from animals.
‘Chitta’ which somewhat means ‘will’. It is one of the most important traits required for success. A strong will power can transform one’s life.
The Tenth head of Ravana signifies ‘Ahamkara’ which means ‘ego’. It is a person’s self esteem or importance. But at times this ego grows too much and takes over everything.