The recently released trailer for “Transformers One” introduces fans to an intriguing prequel narrative focused on the early days of iconic characters before they became legendary heroes and villains of Cybertron. The film kicks off with Orion Pax (voiced by Chris Hemsworth) and D-16 (voiced by Brian Tyree Henry), facing reprimands and subsequently discovering their true potential alongside B-127 (voiced by Keegan-Michael Key), who seeks a more memorable moniker.
In their underground escapades on Cybertron, they encounter Elita-1 (voiced by Scarlett Johansson), a female Cybertronian, and together, they explore the daunting surface of the planet. Gifted with transformation cogs by Alpha Trion (voiced by Laurence Fishburne), these characters unlock their ability to morph into alternate forms, marking a key evolution in their journey.
The trailer teases the presence of menacing threats including new takes on Starscream, Shockwave, and Soundwave, hinting at complex character developments. Additionally, it cleverly weaves elements from the Generation 1 Transformers, such as the Quintessons’ narrative and iconic weapons like Optimus Prime’s ax and Bumblebee’s daggers, while introducing the possibly controversial twist of organic life on Cybertron—a nod to “Beast Machines: Transformers.”
Premiere Details: When and Where to Watch
Set to hit theaters on September 20, 2024, “Transformers One” will go head-to-head with “The Wild Robot,” suggesting a potential shift in release dates to avoid clashing at the box office. As a Paramount production, the film will exclusively play in theaters before eventually streaming on Paramount+. The timing of its digital release will depend on its theatrical performance, following a model similar to that of “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem,” which arrived on Paramount+ about a month and a half post-theatrical debut.
Star-Studded Cast Brings Characters to Life
The film boasts an impressive cast, with Chris Hemsworth lending his voice to Orion Pax, giving a fresh yet familiar sound to the character historically voiced by Peter Cullen and Garry Chalk. Brian Tyree Henry brings a new voice to Megatron, diverging from traditional portrayals, and Keegan-Michael Key infuses Bumblebee with a witty charm, moving away from the character’s silent renditions in Michael Bay’s adaptations.
“Transformers One” seems poised to offer a deep dive into the backstories of its characters, enriching the Transformers universe with new lore and a refreshed perspective on the battles and ethos that define Cybertron. This trailer not only promises a visual feast of transformation sequences and battles but also sets the stage for a profound exploration of identity and destiny in the Transformers saga. Fans will undoubtedly be lining up to catch this next chapter in the storied franchise, ready to experience the epic beginnings of their favorite Cybertronian heroes and villains.