Greek mythology is not only vast but also entertaining. It is full of magic, murder and mystery. We all know the heroes of Greek mythology, but what about the villainous characters? We have compiled a list of Top villains of the Greek mythology.

Top Villains Of The Greek Mythology | villainous characters:


Zeus - Top Villains Of The Greek Mythology
Top Villains Of The Greek Mythology – Zeus

Turns out that even being the King of Gods does not exempt you from being one of the most villainous. Zeus might be the most powerful and the most revered of the Greek deities, but that does not mean he is not capable of committing some of the greatest evil. 

The list of crimes Zeus has committed is seemingly never-ending but we can talk about a few of them. For instance, when Prometheus gifted humanity with fire, which helped them advance incredibly, Zeus punished him for defying his authority. As if that was not bad enough, the nature of the punishment was crueller still, Prometheus was tied down as a giant eagle ate his liver every day. 

Zeus also cheated on his wife, Hera, goddess of marriage and fertility countless times. He also sexually assaulted and raped many mortal women and forced them to sire his children. Once, he caused a flood to wipe out all of humanity simply because he found them to be annoying. There are many, many more ways in which the King of Gods has abused his powers. 


villainous characters from Greek Mythology – Hera

Zeus’ wife Hera, also has committed a number of mortifying actions. While she has also had her fair share of suffering, it does not excuse all the evil she has done to others. 

When Hephaestus was born, he was ugly and for this reason only, Hera threw her own son off of Mount Olympus. Hera also made a habit out of blaming the women with whom her husband, Zeus cheated on her and made it her mission to torture them as well as their children. For example, she banned Leto from giving birth on any land until a new island was formed by Poseidon. She also drove Heracles to madness, which led to him killing his wife and children, for which he then had to repent by carrying out twelve labours.


Top Villains Of The Greek Mythology
Top Villains Of The Greek Mythology

Cronus was the son of Uranus and Gaia. He had a very disloyal personality. He could turn his back on any person. Cronus overthrew his father along with his brother. He also ate all of his kids upon hearing a prophecy that his kids would overthrow him. Cronus got them from Rhea and gulped down them.


villainous characters from Greek Mythology
villainous characters from Greek Mythology

Ouranos was the dad of the primordial Gods, the Titans. He was not a charming chap no doubt. He disliked his children such a lot that he shoved them back inside their mom, Gaia, and wouldn’t let them out! In case that wasn’t sufficiently awful, he was a lusty individual, that he’d compel himself upon Gaia consistently and engage in sexual relations with her. Would you be able to envision how excruciating THAT probably been, particularly with your children shoved back inside you?


Top Villains Of The Greek Mythology

Eris was the daughter of Zeus and Hera. She also had a twin sister named Ares. Eris was the goddess of conflict. She enjoyed creating conflicts between people. She started the deadliest war of Trojan.

Deimos and Phobos

villainous characters from Greek Mythology

Deimos and Phobos were the children of Ares and Aphrodite. The two brothers would accompany Ares into battle. The two brothers had cruel personalities. Phobos was often worshiped by many of the Greek gods before the great battles. It was said that Alexander the Great prayed to Phobos before a battle.


Top Villains Of The Greek Mythology
Top Villains Of The Greek Mythology

We can say Ares was the Loki of the Greek pantheon. He was mischievous, tricky and often downright callous. Ares was the son of Zeus and Hera. He was arrogant and violent and was disliked by both the gods and humans. He was obsessed with killing, murder and slaughter.


villainous characters from Greek Mythology – Enyo

Enyo was an ancient goddess of war and destruction. While she may not be as well-known as her brother, Ares, the god of war, her thirst for strife and suffering is just as unmatched. 

She delighted in the destruction of people and cities falling into battles. She has been present in almost every horrifying war in Greek history, especially the most destructive and bloodiest war the Greeks ever witness, The Trojan War. Enyo was such a major part of this war that she is even depicted on Achilles’s shield along with Phobos and Deimos, Gods of Fear and Dread, respectively as well as Eris, another goddess of war. She also has connections to the Roman goddess of war, Bellona.

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