Phoenix’s Last Hope: In the dark and tumultuous world of Earth-295, known as the Age of Apocalypse, a battle-hardened Wolverine stands on a pile of dead bodies, his claws extended and his face etched with the scars of countless battles.
Wolverine’s Pessimistic Reflections
Wolverine’s thoughts are heavy with the weight of past experiences.
“People I respected… people I loved… used to say the better angels of our nature would win out in the end. I’d seen too much that proved otherwise. World wars. Greed. Hate. Apocalypse taking over the United States, declaring war on humanity. Humanity waging war right back. Both sides nuking each other on the regular. As much as I might have wanted to, I could never bring myself to believe we even had better angels… much less that they’d win.”
Wolverine’s perspective is bleak, shaped by the chaos and destruction he’s witnessed. It’s not just the world he’s lost, but those closest to him.
“That attitude cost me the woman I loved.”
A Gathering of Wolverines
Wolverine is not alone in this grim reality. He stands with variants from different Earths—Earth 9997, Earth 807128, and Earth 2149—alongside Jane Howlett from Earth 1281. Tensions flare when Wolverine of Earth 9997 and Wolverine Weapon-X engage in a heated fight, only to be interrupted by Phoenix.

Phoenix’s Dire Warning
Phoenix intervenes, her voice a plea for unity.
“There’s no time to fight among ourselves. One Earth’s already died, and every second we delay, the monster responsible gets stronger.”
Phoenix reveals the monster she’s referring to is Onslaught, the darkest aspect of Magneto that survived within Jean Grey after she defeated Magneto. The original X-Men, as teenagers, managed to destroy Onslaught’s physical form, but he survived in a weakened state.
Phoenix explains her limitations.
“I can’t take the lead. If Onslaught steals my power—the Phoenix Force—it becomes truly unstoppable.”
A New Mission
Phoenix sends the team to Earth 93068, where humans and mutants live in harmony under the leadership of Jean Grey and Magneto. Upon arrival, the team is attacked by the Uncanny Avengers, led by Captain America. In the midst of the battle, Wolverine pleads for them to listen.
“We ain’t clones, and we ain’t your enemies. Just listen.”
The fight ceases when Wolverine Weapon-X asks Jean Grey to read his mind, leading them to the Uncanny Avengers Tower in Manhattan.
Jean Grey’s Plan
At the tower, Jean Grey proposes a solution to locate Onslaught.
“With Cerebro amplifying my natural telepathic abilities, I’ll be able to scan the minds of every sentient being on Earth. If Onslaught is hiding in any of them, I’ll find it.”
After an hour of scanning, Jean Grey delivers the bad news—Onslaught is not on this Earth. Despite the setback, Jean assures the team that she will continue to search other dimensions.
An Unsettling Atmosphere
While waiting, the team mingles with the inhabitants of Earth 93068. Jane Howlett, feeling uneasy, explores the place and ends up at Toad’s Hole bar. She gets annoyed by the locals and, unable to connect to Phoenix, is suddenly attacked. She realizes the horrifying truth:
“Onslaught, I presume? You weren’t hiding in one person, you were hiding in all of them.”

The Final Battle
Jane rushes to the party to warn the Wolverines. Jean Grey of this Earth quickly understands the situation after reading Jane’s mind.
“I think we may be the only mutants on Earth it hasn’t taken over.”
Onslaught, now fully formed, appears beside them. Magneto confronts him.
“Abomination! You who enslave those weaker than yourself—who use them to build your own power.”
The Wolverines engage in a fierce battle against Onslaught, who controls other superheroes of the Earth to stop them. Jane Howlett shouts a warning:
“These people are just echoes of whoever they were… A hive mind for Onslaught. I saw it at the bar. DON’T HOLD BACK.”
As the fight intensifies and casualties mount, Phoenix works to save the survivors. Wolverine Zombie leads an army of zombies against Onslaught’s forces. Before the Earth is completely destroyed, Phoenix manages to save the Wolverine team.
“Pleased to see you still functioning. It seems we are the only non-Onslaught and non-zombie beings left on this Earth. So, we should probably be going.”
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