Exams can be very stressful and take a huge mental toll on students. Numerous energy during exams goes into studying and revising all the material. Adding to that is the extra stress and tension of passing an exam and receiving good grades. It is proven that stress and negative thoughts, in general, can cause a brain clog and make you forget things. In such times, it is necessary to have positive and constructive thoughts. Here are 7 Things to Think About the Night Before an Exam. These can help you lower your stress level and help boost your confidence for the exam the next day.

Visualize Positive Exam Experiences

It is said that thinking positive helps in bringing about positive experiences. If not, it will at least keep your mind distracted from having negative, unnecessary, and non-constructive thoughts. It is even better when the thoughts are experiences and not just fantasy thoughts that occur in your mind. Try recalling thoughts of previous exams that went well. It will keep your thoughts positive.

Think About Previous Successful Exams

There may be exams in which you scored well, or at least better than you expected them to. By scoring well, it does not always indicate that you have to be the top-scoring person. It can simply denote that you scored well in your ability to score, or better than that. You can sit and imagine that exam or exams, and think about all the things you did the night before, or during the exam that helped you score well in that exam. You can recall those experiences and thoughts, and repeat the things you did during that time.

7 Things to Think About the Night Before an Exam
7 Things to Think About the Night Before an Exam

Boost Your Confidence By Recalling

The best thing that can help you ace an exam is confidence. If you even have the entire syllabus of the exam memorized with complete detail, a lack of confidence will end up making you very anxious and nervous, which will disrupt your recalling and thinking process. You can avoid that by assuring yourself that you know the syllabus and your content well sufficient to successfully finish the exam later. A simple way of doing that is to ask yourself questions and try answering them. This will assure your mind that you do know your syllabus and calm your nerves down a little.

Focus On Yourself

The main purpose of examinations is to brush up on your memory and test your knowledge of the subject you are studying. The purpose is to gain knowledge and learn, and not always to compete with others. So it is much better not to compare yourself with others and add a competition level to exams. Whenever you start thinking of other people, and their marks, keep reminding yourself of all the knowledge you have gained through the course and how it has helped and will help you ahead in your future career. Comparing yourself to others, especially in terms of marks, can bring your confidence down by an extreme.

7 Things to Think About the Night Before an Exam
7 Things to Think About the Night Before an Exam

Stop Viewing Exams as a Threat

As mentioned previously, exams are and should be looked at as a way of brushing up your knowledge on the course that you have selected instead of a dreadful and scary hill to get off of. Mentally scaring yourself for exams, or creating a negative view of it will only make it difficult for you to focus and learn, which is more important. A way to overcome that fear is to start looking at exams as a fun challenge that you have to pass through once every two or three months. Place bets with yourself, and learn through games and fun activities. It keeps your mind away from scary thoughts, which will end up making you anxious and, hence, hinder your performance.

Remind Yourself of Past Difficulties

There are chances that you have seen complicated exams that may have been impossible to get through. But it is important to focus on the present, and remind yourself that you have overcome those difficult times, and are still here today. It is necessary to remind yourself that even if you do not do well this once, it will not be the end of the world. There are hundreds of such exams that are yet to come. It is important to look at the negative situations from a learning standpoint, instead of being demotivated by them and upsetting yourself over them.

7 Things to Think About the Night Before an Exam
7 Things to Think About the Night Before an Exam

Sleep and Stop Overthinking

The best thing to stop doing is to stop overthinking. It is easier said than done, but there are hundreds of ways in which you can stop your mind from wandering around aimlessly, stressing you out. The first and the most effective way is to meditate. Meditating for a few minutes before bed can calm your mind off completely and help you rest better. Exercising also helps with getting better sleep, and so does getting a warm shower half an hour before bed. These things will help you sleep faster and better, hence, stopping you from overthinking and sabotaging yourself.

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