Books to Better Understand Men

Books to Better Understand Men
Books to Better Understand Men

Books to Better Understand Men: It is not wrong when everyone says that men are the most misunderstood creatures. There are numerous stereotypes surrounding men – that they shouldn’t cry, should always be brave, should never fail and more. But these stereotypes don’t help us understand what goes on inside the male brain, which is endlessly fascinating. Here is a list of books about men that showcases the multitude of facets of a man’s mind. Each of these books looks into a different aspect of male behaviour, and hence is a treat to anyone who wants to understand men.

The Way of Men by Jack Donovan

Books to Better Understand Men - The Way of Men by Jack Donovan
Books to Better Understand Men – The Way of Men by Jack Donovan

This book is about decoding manliness – what does it mean to be good at being a man? Does it entail impressing women easily or being a good person? The author argues against this. He refers to the primal nature of being a man, the desire to assert one’s significance and worth to others. This book is full of insights on the primal nature of man and is a must read for anyone who wishes to uncover and understand male behaviour.

The Rational Male by Rollo Tomassi

The Rational Male by Rollo Tomassi
The Rational Male by Rollo Tomassi

In attempting to decode intergender dynamics, the blogger turned author Rollo Tomassi takes us on a whirlwind drive through the psychology of man. Included in this extremely thought provoking book are concepts such as the “red pill”, “Plate theory”, “operative social conventions” and more. This book is essentially a deep dive into what people call the manosphere, or the sphere of man. It is a must read to understand the male mind.

The Professor in the Cage by Jonathan Gottschall

Books to Better Understand Men - The Professor in the Cage by Jonathan Gottschall
Books to Better Understand Men – The Professor in the Cage by Jonathan Gottschall

In this book, Prof Jonathan explores the psychology behind violence, especially for men. Why are men attracted to fighting, and what about violence gives them the kick? And why do they like watching violence, on the TV, social media or even in video games? The author of this book shows us how our affinity to militancy is embedded in our deepest human instincts, our evolutionary response to danger.

No More Mr Nice Guy by Robert Glover

No More Mr Nice Guy by Robert Glover
No More Mr Nice Guy by Robert Glover

The author of this book is a certified marriage therapist and he brings all of his psychological insights into this book. Here he explains that men can get the life they want and deserve if only they abandon societal stereotypes of them. Embracing emotions, sensitivity, vulnerability, relationships with other men is a part of this. However, this book is not just about accepting masculinity in all its shades but also understanding it deeply and truky.

Grow Up by Owen Marcus

Books to Better Understand Men - Grow Up by Owen Marcus
Books to Better Understand Men – Grow Up by Owen Marcus

The title of this book refers to something everyone says when a man expresses emotions or starts crying – “Grow up”. But in this book, Marcus challenges this way of thinking. He talks about embracing the traditionally ‘feminine’ aspects within the male canon and mature spiritually, rather than just “grow up”. This book may not be the easiest read because it is about confronting deep set stereotypes, but it is worth it in the end.

Nothing’s Wrong by David Kundtz

Nothing’s Wrong by David Kundtz
Nothing’s Wrong by David Kundtz

This book is subtitled “a man’s guide to managing his feelings” and this is exactly what the book does. Society often teaches men to suppress emotions and disregard them. Thus, in their personal and professional lives, men tend to use only the analytical, logical, rational part of their brain. But there is more to a man. This book explores the emotional, vulnerable and sensitive part of the male mind, and how it can make professional and personal lives.

Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus by John Gray

Books to Better Understand Men - Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus by John Gray
Books to Better Understand Men – Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus by John Gray

This book takes decades of experience in counselling couples and translates it into one single book that decodes relationships and minds. This book focusses on not just how the male and female minds work, but also how the different genders act in relationships. Discussing communication styles, attachment styles, desires, expectations and interpretations of social situations, this book is a modern classic.

The Essential Difference by Simon Baron-Cohen

The Essential Difference by Simon Baron-Cohen
The Essential Difference by Simon Baron-Cohen

Male and female brains are wired differently, and this is a fact. But exactly how? Baron-Cohen’s guide to the female and male brains shows us exactly that. He shows us that the male brain tends towards analysis, while the fame brain tends towards empathy. Through this “essential difference”, Baron-Cohen deconstructs all that we know about males and females, giving us important insights into the male mind and way of thinking.

The Male Brain by Louann Brizendine

Books to Better Understand Men - The Male Brain by Louann Brizendine
Books to Better Understand Men – The Male Brain by Louann Brizendine

From a PhD scholar comes the ultimate guide to the male brain, right after his guide to the female brain. In this, Louann bares facts like the route men take to decision making, how they think about sex and even how they thrive under immense competition. This book is not stereotypical, it does not hold impossible standards about the behaviour of men. Rather, it shows how men think through science, fact and acute observation.

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