Allison Mack, widely known for her role as Chloe Sullivan in the popular television series “Smallville”, was released from federal prison on Monday after serving two out of her three-year sentence. In 2021, she was convicted and sentenced for her involvement in the infamous NXIVM cult on charges of racketeering and racketeering conspiracy.
Prosecutors laid charges against Mack for recruiting and preparing women to serve as sexual partners for Keith Raniere, the cult’s leader. The charges stemmed from Mack’s leading role in the cult’s activities, which were eventually exposed as a front for a heinous sex trafficking operation.
In 2019, Mack pleaded guilty to the charges. Her active collaboration with the prosecution in building the case against Raniere, who was sentenced to 120 years in prison for sex trafficking charges in 2020, led to a relatively shorter sentence for her.
Before her fall from grace, Mack was a prominent figure in the television industry, especially for her role in “Smallville”. In the series, she played Chloe Sullivan, a smart, gutsy and independent character who was a close friend of young Clark Kent. Her character was known for her investigative skills and contributed significantly to the narrative, eventually becoming one of the fans’ most beloved characters.
The news of Mack’s release from prison was officially confirmed on the Federal Bureau of Prisons website on Monday.
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