7 New Books that Are Perfect for Comic Adaptations

7 New books that are perfect for comic adaptations
7 New books that are perfect for comic adaptations

Comic adaptations have been so popular for many years. Comics or Manga are very popular among children or teenagers. If they will get these plots as a comic version, they will devour it; because everyone is not a fan of holding a book in their hands. So, in this article, we are going to read about 7 New books that are perfect for comic adaptations.

Project Hail Mary – Andy Weir

7 New Books that Are Perfect for Comic Adaptations - Project Hail Mary – Andy Weir
7 New Books that Are Perfect for Comic Adaptations – Project Hail Mary – Andy Weir

Ryland Grace is the only survivor of a desperate mission that could have protected Earth and civilization from getting perished. But Ryland can’t recall a single thing, not even his name. All that he can remember is that he slept for a long time. Now that he is awake he understands that he is lost and millions of miles away from his home. He has two corpses for company. His brain starts to clear up and he remembers his desperate assignment. How will he save the world now?

Sea of Tranquility – Emily St. John Mandel

Sea of Tranquility – Emily St. John Mandel
7 New Books that Are Perfect for Comic Adaptations – Sea of Tranquility – Emily St. John Mandel

Sea of Tranquility is a moving, profoundly absorbing and skilfully constructed novel that summons up three completely realized worlds in three diverse periods which also include the 25th century. It is a novel of dystopia, plague, time travel, art, and love that takes the reader from a Vancouver Island in 1912 to a dark colony on the Moon about 300 years later, unfolding a tale of humankind across centuries and space.

No Way Back – J. B. Turner

7 New Books that Are Perfect for Comic Adaptations - No Way Back – J. B. Turner
7 New Books that Are Perfect for Comic Adaptations – No Way Back – J. B. Turner

Jack McNeal is an NYPD detective. He is used to asking hard questions. But a late-night visit from the Secret Service puts him on that side of the table. He is suspected of the disappearance of his wife, Caroline. Caroline is a famous reporter on the White House beat. When Caroline’s body is found floating in the Potomac, Jack is in a complete state of despair and disbelief. But the death has a similarity with another death case of a young socialite that happened years before. Is this a complete coincidence or is there a lot more to it?

Quicksilver – Dean Koontz

Quicksilver – Dean Koontz
Quicksilver – Dean Koontz

Quinn Quicksilver was abandoned at 3 days old on a desert highway in Arizona. He was raised in an orphanage, so he never knew his parents. He was leading an unexceptional life until the day of ‘strange magnetism’. It forced him to drive to the middle of nowhere. He managed to find a coin which is worth a lot of wealth. It saved him when two government agents came in pursuit of him. Now he is running away from those agents and who knows what else. On a forlorn ranch, he meets his destined companions – Bridget Ranking, beauty and her grandpa Sparky, a romance novelist with an odd past.

Sea Storm – Andrew Mayne

7 New Books that Are Perfect for Comic Adaptations - Sea Storm – Andrew Mayne
7 New Books that Are Perfect for Comic Adaptations – Sea Storm – Andrew Mayne

A distress call summons Sloan McPherson and the Underwater Investigation Unit to a cruise ship off the coast of Fort Lauderdale that is sinking due to an unknown explosion. But when they realize that this is the work of eco-terrorist, the other ships are threatened. More clues are discovered and the evidence is clear that there is a risk of getting washed away due to an upcoming tropical storm. But Sloan is in search of a missing clue and she is determined to solve everything.

House of Earth and Blood – Sarah J. Maas

House of Earth and Blood – Sarah J. Maas
House of Earth and Blood – Sarah J. Maas

A perfect life is full of hard work during the day and parties all night, and Bryce Quinlan had it all – until a demon killed her closest friends, leaving her alone and wounded. Even though the accused is in prison the crime begins again. This time Bryce will do whatever it takes to avenge her friends’ death. A notorious fallen angel who is now enslaved to the Archangels – Hunt Athalar has brutal skills and extraordinary strength. His purpose was to kill the boss’s enemies. So, now he got a deal – the deal is to accompany Bryce in finding the murderer and then his freedom will be within his reach.

Dream Town – David Baldacci

7 New Books that Are Perfect for Comic Adaptations - Dream Town – David Baldacci
7 New Books that Are Perfect for Comic Adaptations – Dream Town – David Baldacci

It is the New Year’s Eve of 1953 and Aloysius Archer is in LA to be with his old friend that day. Archer’s old friend is an aspiring actress named Liberty Callahan. Their evening is interrupted by someone Callahan is familiar with; she is a screenwriter in dire straits – Eleanor Lamb. After a few terrifying events such as unknown phone calls, a blue car lingering outside her home, and a bloody knife in her sink – Eleanor realizes that she is in danger. She wants to hire Archer to look after this entire matter. Archer realizes that Eleanor is not telling everything she knows but before he could get into that, a corpse is found in Eleanor’s house and Eleanor herself disappears. Now Arthur is determined to solve this mystery by hook or by crook.

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