In today’s world, one of the chief concerns of people is work-life balance. Everyone is trying to figure out how to find sanity in between your professional and private life. How to not go insane in this mechanical world? How do not think about the workplace after office hours? Well, too many questions and a desire for peace. Let’s read about 5 books to know how to maintain work-life balance.

Optimal Living 360 – Sanjay Jain

5 Books to Know How to Maintain Work-Life Balance (Optimal Living 360)
5 Books to Know How to Maintain Work-Life Balance (Optimal Living 360)

It is a hard task to figure out and work on things that will improve the quality of your life largely. In this book, Dr. Sanjay Jain explains Integrative Decision Making. It is an advanced approach that concentrates on the decision and life choices that will provide you maximum return in the future. He gives better guidance on how to balance your work-life ideals into the decision-making process in aspects of matters like health, money, sex, leisure, and relationships. With each best possible decision, you get a footstep nearer towards finding the equilibrium in life.

Finding Right Work – Leni Miller

Finding Right Work
Finding Right Work

This book by Leni Miller will help you comprehend what job you really could be an ace at – work that you are fond of and that is something that needs to be done. It has examples of people who managed to handle and master every footstep to their ‘right work’. Some of them left their job to do what was best for them and some got kicked out. And, some managed to handle their job and develop their own business or academic career simultaneously. With the help of these examples, Miller wants to guide you to your way to your ‘right work’.

The 4-Hour Workweek – Timothy Ferriss

5 Books to Know How to Maintain Work-Life Balance (The 4-Hour Workweek)
5 Books to Know How to Maintain Work-Life Balance (The 4-Hour Workweek)

In this book, Timothy Ferriss promises a path to receive all the rewards of tasks without having to wait and long until the completion of your career. According to the author, people do not want o billionaires, people want to experience what the billionaires can buy. So, for him to make money you have to follow – The ‘4-hour work week’, the concept is not about savings or finding the work you prefer; it is about how to free your time and mechanize your profits.

Enough – John C. Boyle


The creator of the Vanguard Mutual Fund Group, all through his profession has helped investors to come across ways to raise their economics and convey sensitivity to the world of investment. In this book, Bogle articulates the definition of Enough when it is related to business, money, and life. He explains his perspective on the economy and what should be measured as the correct fortune in our lives; he provides details on matters that we should follow in our professional lives; and lastly, this encouraging book contains life lessons on the subject of our roles as individuals in society.

Off-Balance – Matthew Kelly

5 Books to Know How to Maintain Work-Life Balance (Off-Balance)
5 Books to Know How to Maintain Work-Life Balance (Off-Balance)

According to the writer, the issue is not with finding work-life balance; the thing that we seek is satisfaction. Kelly explains the process that he utilizes with his group, client, and himself that provides him long-term gratification professionally and individually. He introduces ways in which we can save up energy for a long time. And lastly, with the help of a few steps, he explains how to utilize his system that would help to set up and respect our major priorities.

Also Read: 5 Difference Between Books And Novels

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