10 Unexplained Mysteries In DC Comics

10 Unexplained Mysteries In DC Comics
10 Unexplained Mysteries In DC Comics

DC Comics has been captivating readers with its vast universe of superheroes, villains, and complex storylines for over 80 years. While many of these characters and their backstories have been fleshed out over the years, there are still some unexplained mysteries that leave fans wondering. From the true identity of the Joker to the beginning of time, the DC Universe is full of enigmas that continue to baffle readers. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at 10 unexplained mysteries in dc comics.


10 Unexplained Mysteries In DC Comics - Kryptonite
10 Unexplained Mysteries In DC Comics – Kryptonite

Kryptonite, the radioactive mineral that weakens Superman, was first introduced in 1943 on the Superman radio show. The voice actor of Superman wanted to take a vacation, but the show had to continue, so Kryptonite was introduced to make Superman sick. It was later included in the comics, but the reason why Kryptonite weakens Superman is still unknown. Despite numerous theories, none of them have been confirmed by the comics, and Kryptonite remains a MacGuffin or a plot device that drives the story in one way or another. Therefore, the true nature and origin of Kryptonite remains an unexplained mystery in the DC Universe.

Doctor Stratos

Doctor Stratos
Doctor Stratos

A lesser-known villain, achieved a rare victory against Superman in Adventures of Superman #431 by Marv Wolfman and Erik Larsen. After an experiment went wrong, he appeared to have died by falling into the ocean. However, he transformed into a powerful giant seeking revenge on Superman. Unfortunately, Wolfman left the series six issues later, and Doctor Stratos never appeared again, leaving the resolution of the last few panels a mystery. This leaves readers wondering if Superman will be more cautious around water in the future.

Holiday’s True Identity

10 Unexplained Mysteries In DC Comics - Holiday's True Identity
10 Unexplained Mysteries In DC Comics – Holiday’s True Identity

The Long Halloween, a critically acclaimed Batman comic, features the Dark Knight on the hunt for a holiday-themed criminal named Holiday. Although the villain’s identity is ultimately revealed to be Alberto Falcone, the son of the city’s crime boss, a twist is introduced at the end of the book. Two-Face reveals that there were actually two people acting as Holiday, which Batman dismisses as a lie or trick. While Gilda, Two-Face’s wife, is suggested to be the second culprit, it’s never confirmed or clarified, leaving readers to wonder about the true identity of the other Holiday. This unresolved mystery is why the comic is included in the article about superheroes unable to solve mysteries.

The Omega Men

The Omega Men
The Omega Men

They played an important role in Kyle Rayner’s storyline, and he even became known as the Omega Lantern after leaving the Green Lantern Corps. Despite questioning about his allegiances, Kyle claimed he was still an Omega Man. However, after returning to the Green Lantern Corps and briefly becoming a White Lantern, Kyle never mentioned the Omega Men again, leaving their fate and his association with them a mystery. The events between Kyle’s time as the Omega Lantern and his return to the Green Lantern Corps have not been explored or explained, leaving fans with unanswered questions about the Omega Men’s place in the DC Universe.

Beginning Of Time

Beginning Of Time
10 Unexplained Mysteries In DC Comics – Beginning Of Time

The Oans, the guardians of the Green Lantern Corps, have a strict rule that nobody can break: it is forbidden to travel to the beginning of time and witness the creation of the universe. Despite this, some superheroes have come close to seeing the moment of creation. Batman and John Stewart nearly witnessed it while pursuing Chronos, but Stewart reminded Batman of the rule. They could only see a giant hand known as the Hand of Creation. This hand was first seen in Green Lantern #40, when an Oan scientist named Krona broke the rule and witnessed the beginning of time, resulting in the creation of the Antimatter Universe. No one else knows what happened at the beginning of time.



During the 90s, Hal Jordan met a Green Lantern named Malvolio who convinced him to swap power rings before mysteriously dissolving. It was never revealed what Malvolio’s plan was or what he hoped to achieve. Some have speculated that this event may have contributed to Hal Jordan’s descent into evil during the “Emerald Twilight” storyline, but this was later revealed to be caused by Parallax. Therefore, the reason behind Malvolio’s actions and their potential consequences remain a mystery and have not been resolved in any subsequent storylines.


10 Unexplained Mysteries In DC Comics - Onomatopoeia
10 Unexplained Mysteries In DC Comics – Onomatopoeia

In this mystery, the Batman villain Onomatopoeia assumes a new identity as “Baphomet” to infiltrate Batman’s inner circle and gain his trust. As the story progresses, Batman begins to consider “Baphomet” a true ally and even takes him to the Batcave, where his fiancé Silver St. Cloud is present. However, the shocking reveal that “Baphomet” is actually Onomatopoeia culminates in him slitting Silver’s throat in front of Batman, leaving him shocked and ending the story on a dramatic cliffhanger. The storyline was so unpopular and shocking that it was quickly dropped, and there has been no mention of this event ever since, with both “Baphomet” and Silver St. Cloud disappearing from the comics.



Following the events of Justice League: Cry for Justice, Green Arrow managed to defeat the infamous supervillain Prometheus. However, despite the efforts of Green Lantern and the Flash, they were unable to locate Prometheus’ highly advanced helmet, which had allowed him to defeat his opponents. Readers may recall that Prometheus had previously incapacitated his accomplice, Ira Quimby, who disappeared around the same time as the helmet.

There were hints that DC Comics was setting the stage for Ira to take over the identity of Prometheus through cloning or some other form of body swapping. However, this storyline was never explored, and Quimby has not played a significant role in the comics since then, if he has been mentioned at all.

Joker’s True Identity

10 Unexplained Mysteries In DC Comics - Joker's True Identity
10 Unexplained Mysteries In DC Comics – Joker’s True Identity

The true identity of the Joker is the most well-known unsolved mystery in the world of comics. While there have been hints and allusions to his identity in various adaptations, his name has never been revealed in the comics, even though he’s been around since 1940. In 2016’s DC Universe: Rebirth, it was revealed that there are three different men who have taken on the identity of the Joker in Gotham City. While Batman: The Three Jokers is expected to provide some answers, it’s unclear if it will finally reveal the true identity of the Clown Prince of Crime who has haunted Batman for decades.

Tanya Spears

Tanya Spears
Tanya Spears

Following Karen Starr’s departure for Earth 2, the original Power Girl, Tanya Spears, took over as the new Power Girl. During an interdimensional travel with the original Power Girl and Huntress, Tanya exhibited powers akin to those of her blonde friend. She served as Power Girl for a considerable period, even joining the Titans to hone her skills. However, in the DeathstrokeRebirth series, Tanya fell into a coma and experienced a vision of the original Power Girl. Since then, she has disappeared without a trace, and even Karen Starr, who reclaimed her mantle, has not mentioned her whereabouts.

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