Writing is hard. It’s so easy to slip into a rut or a writing slump. But writing prompts can help. Here is a list of 10 poetry prompts to get out of writing slump and show creative writing.
10 Poetry Prompts to Get Out of Writing Slump and Show Creative Writing:
A poem including the object to your immediate left, right and the last person you met
This one is pretty self explanatory. You can use the objects as props, or you can give them a life of their own. They could be just a word that helps propagate an idea, or the whole poem could revolve around them. And the person – just close your eyes and think of the last person you met. What do you like about them? How do they smell, look, touch? What are their quirks that you absolutely love?
Free verse about ancient house that speaks of everyone who lived in it
It’s not as easy as people think to write free verse poems. Free verse poems don’t have the inherent rhythmicity and cadence that rhymed poems do. So you have to go that extra mile in making the language itself poetic enough to make it classify as a poem and not prose. Adding elements of personification is one way to do that, hence this prompt.
A poem about a wild dream that blew your mind away
A lot of poetry comes from experiences. But a lot of it can also come from possibilities, or potential experiences. And a great reservoir to tap into in order to discover these is dreams. Think back to a dream you had that was particularly bizarre, emotional or poignant. Then find a way to incorporate that into a poem.
An acrostic poem favourite memory of your grandmother and grandfather
Acrostic poems are those wherein the first letter of each verse spells out something meaningful. For this prompt, reflect on the relationships in your life, especially your grandparents. Think of the time you’ve spent with them and write an acrostic poem that centres around it. As usual, the prompt can be taken literally, metaphorically, allegorically.
An unromantic love sonnet about someone you met on the street
Sonnets are associated with love, but for this prompt, try writing an unromantic love sonnet. The best thing about traditional structures like the sonnet is that they provide form as an anchor when ideas fail to be anchors.
The adventure tale of two deities from different mythologies
If you want to write about something more concept or plot based than language based, this is the prompt for you. Challenge yourself to make mythologies meet through characters and give them a life of their own. You could also add a genre specification to make this all the more interesting.
Sets of haikus about the scene from your window
Haikus are exercises in brevity; they demand that you use minimalism and economy to convey everything that you want to. They are also usually short, to the point reflections on life which have a surface level meaning as well as a deeper and more philosophical meaning. With this prompt, try to bring to life the world outside your window via a poem.
A ballad from a bygone era
Who says your poems need to be restrictive to the present era? Write a poem that unfolds in a historical era of your choice. You could write it in a format that adheres to the format of narrative poetries of the time or you could choose to write it in free verse and a more modern format. The former would lend it authenticity and the latter a nostalgic feel.
An ode to the person you love the most in the world
There is nothing to say or do here. Just write. Because it’s easiest to write about what (and who) you love.
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