10 Instances of the Avengers Getting in Each Other’s Way

10 Instances of the Avengers Getting in Each Other’s Way
10 Instances of the Avengers Getting in Each Other's Way

The Avengers are a formidable team of superheroes, each with their unique set of skills and abilities. They come together to fight for the greater good and protect the world from danger. However, even the mightiest heroes can sometimes get in each other’s way, whether due to conflicting strategies or accidental mishaps. In this article, we explore 10 instances of the avengers getting in each other’s way, leading to unexpected and sometimes disastrous consequences. From battles against powerful enemies to simple training exercises, these moments show that even the most exceptional team can face challenges and obstacles when working together.

Iron Man vs. Hulk

10 Instances of the Avengers Getting in Each Other's Way - Iron man vs. hulk
10 Instances of the Avengers Getting in Each Other’s Way – Iron Man vs. Hulk

Avengers: Age of Ultron, though not the most popular film in the MCU, still had its highlights. Among them was Black Widow’s ability to calm down the uncontrollable Hulk by talking him down. However, Scarlet Witch once took control of the Hulk during her villainous phase, causing him to go on a destructive rampage. Iron Man had to deploy his Hulk Buster armor, and the ensuing battle between the two demolished an entire town before Iron Man was able to subdue the Hulk. The damage caused by this incident led to the creation of the Sokovia Accords and ultimately sparked the events of Civil War.

Thor vs. Hulk

Thor vs. Hulk
Thor vs. Hulk

After the events of Avengers: Age of Ultron, Thor vanished. Despite being on the Avengers jet, he decided to fly off on his own and ended up on the planet Sakaar, where he was taken captive and forced to participate in gladiatorial fights. During one of these battles, Thor discovered that his opponent was none other than the Hulk. Although Thor didn’t want to fight, the Hulk went all out, leading to a fierce battle that Thor almost won when he channeled his lightning powers.

Thor vs. Iron Man

10 Instances of the Avengers Getting in Each Other's Way - Thor vs. Iron Man
10 Instances of the Avengers Getting in Each Other’s Way – Thor vs. Iron Man

Iron Man resorted to questionable actions during the Civil War arc in the comics. Desperate to emerge victorious, he went to extreme lengths such as creating a clone of Thor to fight for their cause. However, this clone ended up killing Goliath, which led to Spider-Man defecting from Iron Man’s side. When Thor returned, he discovered what had happened and brutally attacked Iron Man. During their fight, Thor even mentioned that the only reason he didn’t kill Iron Man was that he had bigger issues to attend to.

Iron Man vs. Captain Marvel

Iron Man vs. Captain Marvel
Iron Man vs. Captain Marvel

In the Marvel storyline of Civil War, Iron Man supported the government’s registration act for superheroes, while Captain America opposed it as a violation of their rights. Iron Man emerged victorious, but Captain America met his demise, not by Iron Man’s hands.

In Civil War II, the roles were reversed as Captain Marvel supported the government’s actions in arresting superheroes based on premonitions by an Inhuman. Iron Man, however, believed that it was an abuse of power and led to a brutal fight between the two heroes. The confrontation ended with Iron Man in a coma, highlighting the consequences of the clash of ideology among the Avengers.

Bucky vs Captain Marvel

Bucky vs Captain Marvel
Bucky vs Captain Marvel

The battle between Captain America and the Winter Soldier had a unique dynamic because Bucky was actually a villain at the time, despite being Steve’s former friend and ally. Their fight ultimately ended when Steve used the cosmic cube to restore Bucky’s memories. In the comics, the revelation that the Winter Soldier was actually Bucky was a significant moment because Bucky had been presumed dead for decades, and his return had a profound impact on both Steve and readers. This unexpected twist added a new layer of complexity to the relationship between the two characters and their respective roles in the Marvel Universe.

Captain America vs Thor

Captain America vs Thor
Captain America vs Thor

In the event of Asgard’s arrival on Earth, Thor led his Asgardian army into an area of Europe, which could have potentially triggered an international conflict. As the king of Asgard at that time, Thor was on the brink of starting a war, and it was up to Captain America to intervene and reason with him. However, before they could come to an understanding, they engaged in a fierce battle, during which Steve had little chance against Thor, but his shield was able to protect him from injury. Fortunately, Steve managed to convince Thor to back down before any more damage could be done.

Captain America vs. Iron Man

10 Instances of the Avengers Getting in Each Other's Way - Captain America vs. Iron Man
10 Instances of the Avengers Getting in Each Other’s Way – Captain America vs. Iron Man

The most intense confrontation ever witnessed between two Avengers took place during Civil War. While it was not as physically devastating as the Iron Man and Hulk battle, or as conclusive as Iron Man’s fight with Captain Marvel, it was between two of the most beloved Avengers. Captain America seemed to be winning and was severely beating Iron Man, but upon seeing how the ongoing fight was terrifying civilians, Cap chose to surrender and halt the fight by himself. Both former allies refused to back down until one of them recognized the futility of their actions.

Thor vs Iron Man and Captain America

Thor vs Iron Man and Captain America
Thor vs Iron Man and Captain America

Although the fight was not excessively brutal, it resulted in significant damage, as the core members of the MCU’s Avengers engaged in battle and practically demolished an entire area of woodland while fighting to a stalemate. Moreover, the fight was a fitting tribute to the comics, as it revolved around Loki. Iron Man and Captain America had apprehended Loki and were transporting him via a S.H.I.E.L.D. jet for interrogation, but Thor arrived and seized his brother to acquire answers on his own. Mistaking Thor for an adversary, Cap and Iron Man engaged in a brutal fight with him, resulting in significant damage before they realized that none of them would emerge victorious and that Loki was not worth the chaos.

Iron Man vs. Avengers

10 Instances of the Avengers Getting in Each Other's Way - Iron Man vs. Avengers
10 Instances of the Avengers Getting in Each Other’s Way – Iron Man vs. Avengers

Iron Man has had moments of self-righteousness, particularly in events such as Civil War and its aftermath, as well as in the movies. However, Marvel took an audacious turn with the character in the ’90s, by turning him into an evil sleeper agent. While a similar story with Captain America failed miserably, Iron Man’s transformation was also met with disapproval. In The Crossing, Iron Man was a double-agent for Kang and betrayed everyone, culminating in his death and replacement with his younger self in the main timeline.

Hulk vs. Iron Man (World War Hulk)

Hulk vs. Iron Man (World War Hulk)
Hulk vs. Iron Man (World War Hulk)

The Illuminati, a group of Marvel Comics superheroes, deemed The Hulk too dangerous to remain on Earth and decided to remove him. They tricked him into boarding a spaceship and launched him to what they believed was an uninhabited planet. However, he ended up on Sakaar, where he became a celebrated hero and leader.

Tragically, a terrorist attack killed his wife and others he loved, causing him to blame those who exiled him. In World War Hulk, he returned to Earth and wreaked havoc, defeating many of his fellow heroes such as Black Bolt, Reed Richards, The X-Men, Spider-Man, The Fantastic Four, and even She-Hulk. He also mercilessly took down Iron Man, who was among those who betrayed him.

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