Tragic stories from mythology around the world: The major Gods and Goddesses come to mind when we think of mythology.
Greek mythology gave rise to the three goddesses of fate known as the Moirae. Atropos, Lachesis, and Clotho. The three sisters weave the fate of both humans and gods.
Death of Shravan Kumar put the first stone for Exile of Lord Ram. Shravan Kumar is mostly known for his filial piety towards his blind parents.
Odin performed seidr, a sort of sorcery that was viewed as unmanly. He had a specific preoccupation with information hoarding.
The feared creature Medusa is renowned for having snakes for hair. If you gazed into her eyes, she would just turn you into stone.
The Norse believed that the entire universe originated from an empty, gaping chasm dividing worlds made of ice and fire.
The existence of Prometheus, who is regarded as a god, coincides with that of the Titans. He is not formally recognized as one of the principal Titan gods.
When Domaldi’s two older half-brothers killed their stepfather Visbur, Domaldi was cursed by his stepmother with a life of misfortune.
Tragic stories from mythology around the world: The major Gods and Goddesses come to mind when we think of mythology.